Why Rust Sucks

"oh but you don't actually need that and let me tell you why" - compshit undergrad lecturing 20+ years senior dev.

No Implicit Clone for Arc

let foo2 = foo.clone();
let task = ex.spawn(async move {
    // ...

Cannot Make Trees

That is with child referencing parents. The most common advice is to use a vec allocator, and store the tree using usize indexes. This is terrible because 1) you need to lock your entire allocator whenever modifying the tree and 2) it is just ugly and stupid.

It's not even safe. There is no difference between using usize indexes and actual pointers. It's just simulating pointers.

You have to use unsafe to do this properly.

Traits Are Retarded

Nerfed templating system. You cannot implement foreign traits for foreign types which means you have to do this stupidity:
struct Foo(X);

impl Trait for Foo {
    // ...

No Inheritance

I agree with criticizing inheritance, but that doesn't mean forcing the retarded trait system instead. Sometimes you need inheritance like for example with GUI systems where widgets like MultilineEditor and SingleLineEditor are generic subclasses of Editor. Rust traits don't hold data so you end up having to do:
trait Bar {
    fn my_generic_func(...) {
        // ...

    fn get_foo1() -> Foo1;
    fn get_foo2() -> Foo1;
Why not just put proper inheritance there?