git clone ls sidediff/ ACTION sees go files .. && rm -fr sidediff test test test back ty gealach test test back test bot brought to life here test test back web3 privacy ppl doing a survey on privacy projects, asking for input !hackersays “Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to see it as a soap bubble?” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #1124a2] test test back !hackersays “Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.” — Anonymous 15[Quote #5b45e5] test test back !hackersays “If you can't explain something to a six-year-old, you really don't understand it yourself.” — Albert Einstein 15[Quote #b96f91] test test back there's quite a lot of setup for new weechat installs to be usable !hackersays “A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #e47312] test test back qq !hackersays “Once you've dressed and before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off.” — Coco Chanel 15[Quote #7f64ba] wow cool test test back bump test test back 1 test test back !hackersays “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” — Sir Arthur C Clarke 15[Quote #001533] test test back !hackersays “Vi is a subset of evil.” — Anonymous 15[Quote #404fca] test test back !hackersays “It is not the computer's fault that Maxwell's equations are not adequate to design the electric motor.” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #c92094] !hackersays “Optimization hinders evolution.” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #8da82b] test test back test test back !hackersays “Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.” — Jamie Zawinski 15[Quote #628a0d] test test back test test back woah cool test test back !hackersays “In programming, as in everything else, to be in error is to be reborn.” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #fd6302] wtf XD test test back hi test test back you are seen !hackersays “C(++) is a write-only, high-level assembler language.” — Stefan Van Baelen 15[Quote #3817f0] all the rekt videos are gone Title: fka-rekt - YouTube rekt got rekt? seems julien bouteloup is a scammer ACTION laughs alone with his stupid pun and has been trying to scam the other rekt ppl holy shit wtf so the guy with youtube access is holding the acct hostage sad to see Title: aesop 💾 (@aesopfloppy): "" | OKSocial: nitter : test test back Title: YOU’VE JUST BEEN FUCKED BY PSYOPS - yeah saw this one, it comes from adam curtis he has talks about this test test back Title: Cheap and They Don't Snitch: Drones Are the New Drug Mules they cannot be stopped lol Title: Build Your Own Drone Tracking Radar: Part 1 - YouTube wax on wax off daniel-san: is that a command for something? what's up with zcash wdym? they are going to become an L2 isn't that a good thing? means lower fees, faster transactions etc i think a main issue for zcash was getting liquidity onto the chain esp given weak adoption (good adoption in xmr meant liquidity inflows) but for both xmr and zec, the main entry point has been centralized exchanges so i guess with bad CEX relationship to privacy they have to come up w other ways to get liquidity onto the chain, L2 is one of them seems like just a proposal rn and not decided on (unless i'm missing something?) but it risks undermining the ZEC value proposition and maybe getting out competed by aztec i don't think faster txs + lower fees are zec's biggest issue rn yeah good points, definitely weak adoption has worked against it, I think it was Naval I heard say once that Zcash would be the future of crypto why do they want liquidity? why not sit tight and bet on a wave of interest in privacy coming soon? yeah i think it's just a proposal. but something interesting i saw from the thread they opened is that they hadn't yet discussed it with their dev's. seemed odd if true i guess the main concern is that they've been innovating in the space for a while. is this a signal that they're losing conviction or direction? there's a bunch of fud on twitter too. idk if it's real. stuff about poor strategic decisions in hiring link? ah yeah saw that, was wondering about the strategic hiring comments can't find it. maybe it's just fud. there are probably organized attacks on privacy projects now too. impossible to know what's up and down anymore. information is spread across self-indulgent twitter threads, shithole medium articles, etc. thus the need for strong, trusted journalism / newspapers ++ there have been some strange movements wrt zcash atm zooko stepping down, other core members perhaps leaving... idk but yeah we're so far into post-truth it reminds me of adam curtis "hyperreal", which is a kind of real you know is fake, but you go along with it anyway "hypertruth" or something yeah i saw that documentary there is a bright side to the post-truth era too. like in that documentary he said people literally could not imagine an alternative and essentially became paralyzed. but in that space, if there are people who do have a viable alternative, strong narrative, conviction, and can deliver, the downtrodden will be inspired v true maybe it's post-Truth -- the end of metanarratives propagated by powerful interests, neoliberalism, fanaticism, whatever. and how we're in a truthS era, where we can all create our own meaning. and the current malaise is sorta the moment after the collapse where people realize, oh, i can create my own little universe with friends. it's disorienting but also a breath of fresh air the delisting of privacy coins and the pro-active measures certain privacy coins are taking shows some that there is an external force pushing towards creating view keys comes from exchanges, which have regulators over their shoulers saying you SHOULD be doing this zcash has always touted working alongside law enforcement, which most certainly is them just positioning themselves to be non-threatening Title: Michael Goldstein - Bitcoin: An Experiment in Anarchism - Invidious the seeds of agorism is a great section in the video also crypto isnt apolitical, and as you can see from dev teams implementing chain surveillance directly into their software, and yet still being charged, it wont help what team you "side with" diminishing the privacy gains of your coin only weakens the privacy coin and its users, it doesnt ACTUALLY place you in better standing in "their" eyes test test back . test test back test test back Anyone tried Matrix? Any good, safe? We used to use it, but its cryptography doesn't scale test test back drigy: re: Matrix: i've been recommending Element (slick Matrix client) to replace Slack and similar office communication/collab tools monerotopia is in buenos aires! testing test test back test test back think I fucked up my ubuntu because of python luckily I had a snapshot otherwise had to reinstall lol we hit 1k github stars !hackersays drigy: matrix was so shit that we had to create this it was lagging massively on all our messages. it's such a shit heap in general > gets triggered by matrix > creates best chat app known to man lmao agree ircd is obv superior to matrix, just rec Element for companies I have worked with as an easy thing they can do to increase org opsec antikythera: lol okay :) Also, why is darkfi code not on GitLab? Doesn't big evil MSFT own GitHub? drigy: its on codeberg Title: darkrenaissance/darkfi: Anonymous. Uncensored. Sovereign. - cheers Edward Snowden(@Snowden): "though we're merit neutral i'd like to note that we HATES it. we HATES it, precious. the courtses. the courtses. the filthy little courtses! they STOLE the approval, precious. they took it from us!" ffs Title: dawn hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB ^_^ haha classic how does everyone interact with the ircd chat? Via a computer or android smartphone? If it's android do people have a preference for which one? I'm using my windows PC running wsl atm i'm interacting via my computer, ubuntu box you could ssh to your wsl instance and chat from mobile but you need to close ircd/weechat locally and open it from ssh maybe you can run a second instance with some hacks but haven't tried yet errorist: or you can use a multiplexer to detach the session like tmux or screens yeah I've got an iPhone and was looking at what ssh type apps they have for that upgrayedd: oh that's cool will try it out for example in tmux: you start 2 panes, one for the daemon, the other for the client(weechat) to detach: ctrl+b->d to attach to active session: tmux attach-session -t 0 that session will be persistant through your ssh logins so your ircd combo will always be active, and you can remote access it another option is to setup weechat as a server I really want to get a second hand android to try this dope deki: you should be able to find a ssh client for ios I'll try that first, I'm just assuming apple being apple it will block somewhere :D :) upgrayedd >>> I agree it's better to run Weechat as a server deki >>> get a google pixel and install grapheneos on that. there is loads of pixels for sale locally as people want to ugrade to avoid looking like plebs. mosh: yeah I know, just presented the much quicker/simpler approach missed that bit m0sh: thanks for the rec, I've been out of the loop with android so didn't know about grapheneos last open source OS I knew about was cyanogenmod deki: thats renamed to lineageos ah right super easy to install, you just need to enable anroid to allow the installation. yeah some ppl like lineage . i mean it is closer too stock android in appearance by default definitely keen to use something more privacy oriented I nearly bought a Pinephone but decided against it because of the reviews yeah the pinephone is in alpha/beta still. this is the issuee with open source hardware and software in general it can not fund the devs needed to develop a merket ready product indeed, especially with hardware. I used to work as a hardware engineer, and PCB design is tricky, but especially when you're dealing with the sort of signals a smartphone requires imei randomizing should be as easy as mac addres randomizing m0sh: can you randomize imei directly on grapheneos? imei/imsi seems to a be an issue with anon comms still haven't gotten a banana phone errorist >>> not that i have seen would be an amazing crossover upgrayedd: Title: Screenshot-20240112-145253 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB so cool need to buy you a beer beers are always welcomed :D ooh that looks very pretty Hey guys, I am just talking to a collegue and he mentioned ator protocol. Tor based privacy. Anyone has an opinion on it? I would like to do my research about it but thought to ask here first I iamgine building on top of tor would be a bit unproductive for a big project because it is a "slow" tech. I prefer if they would be building on top of something like 'nym' networks test test back test test back kopachke: sounds like nym but for tor instead of mixnets seems like they're noobs though with no idea what they're doing the team page is the hardest cringe i've ever done i think tor made a post saying they don't condone it or sumn boobs because of thei website or something else too? noobs* lolz :D test test back test test back hm, i don't get testback in #lunardao miagi: testbot doesn't work in every channel also you don't need it in every channel, since all channels go through your daemon, so if you get response in one channel, you will get in rest of them testing http://nkl5i6mlugtmc22mfhmhmhikekjvfnnsa7u5546cfzei3hxqq7nhjvid.onion/darkfi/ 🔥 🔥 🔥 test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back LunarDAO twitter space with @nullchinchilla of @GephOfficial & Earendil and @harryhalpin of @nymproject on Jan 19th at 15:00 UTC Discussing #privacy & #network architecture Tradeoffs, design choices, and achieving strong censorship resistance mark your calendars 🗓📅 nice :) Title: YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave start downloading all the vids you watch use this script: test test back test test back test test back free Title: Xhz-50 Fixed Wing Drone Uav 50kg Heavy Payload Drone 160 Km/h Fixed Wing Gasoline Engine Uav Surveying Mapping Inspection - Buy Fixed Wing Drone Uav,Heavy Payload Drone,Gasoline Engine Uav Product on xmrswaps> Title: 403 Forbidden Title: Page Not Found "Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies" i called it wait does that mean if i take shrooms i can't operate a space faring company no but if you're high af nonstop you are a degen druggie ketamine is kinda gross but here: "In 2018, for example, he took multiple tabs of acid at a party he hosted in Los Angeles. The next year he partied on magic mushrooms at an event in Mexico. In 2021..." that's not what i'd call high af nonstop it says he's microdosing ketamine and high at meetings or media interviews as well as partying very often ok yeah that sounds bad "raised concerns about his drug consumption more than once in side conversations with board members about Musk’s increasingly erratic behavior" i reckon there will be a fall from grace at some point An attorney for Musk, Alex Spiro, said that Musk is “regularly and randomly drug tested at SpaceX and has never failed a test. kek Why would they be testing him? lmao i hurd he's taking some diabetes med for weighloss lol kinda gross like he doesn't have diabetes, just too lazy to work out or eat less lol You would reckon the drugs would take care of that lain: there is a crisis here in pharmacies, where they don't have a specific diabetes drug which is injected because pharmacies sell it to dark market as weight loss drug even tho you are only able to buy it with a prescription, but you know, every rule has a loophole :D lmao Jamie Dimon says only use case for bitcoin is kyc/aml test test back Title: Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach yeah my main email was h4x0r3d kinda figured it would be lol test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Agorists and Counter-Economists, In a half hour, The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation is going to play our tribute to Samuel E. Konkin III, founder of Agorism. The 20th anniversary of his death is next month and we want to commemorate his work. wonderful ty for sharing haumea: contact_pubkey = "GNuVxM7358FSbDqZZw5dhkK2CHdhyxpP9cS2WhYao2uW" ok brb b test test back test test back test test back when I try to initialize wallet I have this > error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file pi: apt install libasound2-dev thank you I already have the last version of libasound2-dev but I have also that error Well there's also libmpg123-dev now it works Nice exit test test back test test back another one bites the dust this one = the ETH privacy protocol vitalik invested in "This past year, however, we realized the transition to public L2s and AA must happen before privacy. Users worry about cost/UX first. Moreover, the timing for privacy depends on crypto’s utility. Until these primary barriers are overcome first, privacy concerns remain secondary." hey John Light: ""privacy concerns remain secondary" I noticed that this was your attitude when I couldn't even use your app in the Tor browser. Definitely the wrong way to go. Public/transparent chains are dangerous, they expose users to so many different snoopers and attackers." sylvain: lmk when around send me your key twitter space tomorrow at 15:00 UTC with Harry halpin of NYM and @nullchinchilla of earendil drop any questions here you might want to ask could there be a way for nym and darkfi to operate together economically? for example they use all these centralized services like discord. Isn't that a contradiction for a privacy project? like they have this whole thing about coconut credential services... why don't they make anon nym versions and use those? for example they made a chat on nym but they don't actually use it - so why would their community? or if they don't have the capacity to create these things, why don't they just this chat here? it works over nym and they could just deploy nodes have they considered how devs can contribute anonymously instead of using github? for example darkfi uses codeberg with tor for that: Title: Using Tor - The DarkFi Book how could nym satisfy this usecase? (the darkfi codeberg is mirrored to github for normies) also why did they do a fucked up coinslist which required KYC, and then crapped out and lagged so very few people could buy the token on launch? isn't that a contradiction for privacy projects also why is earendil using a launchpad which requires KYC instead of doing a community sale like an LBP? again, why does earendil use discord and not a freedom preserving service like matrix or this chat The chat doesn't work over nym because they don't want to implement simple features Title: [Feature Request] Support multiple websocket connections in nym-client · Issue #3610 · nymtech/nym · GitHub The answer to most of your questions is lack of innovation or dedication and taking the path of what is known and easy surprised by this, harry always talks such a big sovereign/privacy game nym is a giant corporation with VCs owning more alloc than community doesn't matter what harry thinks, they are beholden to their paymasters ofc the progenitors of the project choose to build it that way play stupid games, win stupid prizes I mostly agree with you on nym, but raising funds without KYC is hard, even LBPs nowdays have to block US IPs if they don't do KYC regarding using darkirc instead of discord, i'm all for it but installing darkirc is way too complicated for the average user, than just installing discord. Thisd chat works over nym mixnet fyi Title: HCPP23-serinko - Nym Developer Portal I guess the sad reality of sincere privacy projects using DC, TG, TW is the compromise in meeting people where they are at, which seems to be true for ALL these projects yeah but why is the dev team on discord? anonkun: well they could make a UI or gateway for darkirc, duh plastic teabags release microplastics: Title: Just a moment... "Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea" fyi most teabags contain plastic twitter space with @nullchinchilla of earendil and harry halpin of nym is still on will drop twitter spaces link in a moment anonkun: LBPs don't have to block US IPs the frontends do but why are they hosting frontends on the web? just give people an app to download and run the app can even be on IPFS sadar: the convo is so spicy lol still curious about the discord / coinslist launchpad stuff nice, i love a spicy convo, bring some introspection into the mix! haumea, what were some interesting points, i wasnt able to catch all of the paces live idk it's not my area so i'm not able to follow the technical convo lol i liked when harry said "wrapping your protocol with the internet condom tor does not make it anon" 👀👀 what did you think of the quality of the convo? Was it entertaining/informative? entertaining, but i didn't learn much... i guess cos i was exercising/distracted ++ hi yo when I try airdrop I got "Connection failed" (darkfid & drk subscribe are running) pi: try now it works! :) Title: A Dangerous New Home for Online Extremism | WIRED I've airdropped 100 tokens, then 1 (tot 101) but I've read "There is a limit of 100 for testnet airdrops currently" pi: 100 per airdrop I'm loosing connection with ircd... I resend my previous msg > "How can we ensure the metaverse doesn’t give rise to digital white ethnostates or cyber caliphates?" what is a digital ethnostate? lmao anyway whatever it is, the article makes DAOs sound desirable haha ikr cool they mentioned Odysee > there is an ideological incentive too: their fundamental distrust in the establishment how DARE they question the narrative > Redacted Club DAO, which is rife with alt-right codes and conspiracy myth references, claims to be a secret network with the aim of “slaying” the “evil Meta Lizard King.” XD evil meta lizard king sounds amazing lmao draoi: Title: How a 27-Year-Old Codebreaker Busted the Myth of Bitcoin’s Anonymity | WIRED about sarah mieklejohn by andy greenberg... weird " In fact, eCash was based on a mathematical technique called zero-knowledge proofs, which could establish the validity of a payment without the bank or recipient learning anything else at all about the spender or their money In fact, eCash was based on a mathematical technique called zero-knowledge proofs, which could establish the validity of a payment without the bank or recipient learning anything else at all about the spender or their money" that's kinda cool that zk proofs have had applications since the 90s, I just assumed their real use only happened recently anyhow i'm off to bed, gn that article is wrong, ecash used blind signatures does it work? test test back test test back Title: Let There Be DarkFi w Amir Taaki (Part 2) - YouTube great talk with Amir errorist, this one was quite btc centric, but the vvvexchange twitter spaces, people went crazy i think it's a signal of the bull market incoming, brand recognition from darkfi, and people getting excited over the project ppl are asking to invest in darkfi... it's like where were you a year ago??? well I wish I discovered it a year ago lol only because it would have given me a reason to start learning Rust I only came across it I think November after someone shared the dark wallet youtube video on twitter, and that drew me in yeah end of November just checked, do you guys know Riva on twitter? She shared the video, and seems pretty involved in crypto, plus she shared an article I wrote last year which got me a lot of exposure for my site which was nice first time hearing about her, that's nice woah i want this: Riva(@rivatez): the perfect hat doesn't exi- haha I actually have one of those caps, this guy sells them: Title: D3VUR LA's custom embroidery hats caps shirts and apparel. I wear it in public and have had a few people approach me saying they know about templeOS based we should dedicate mainnet release to terry, genius and dedication 100% he deserves it haumea: yup, the FOMO is strong rn I see lots of projects raising up to 5m in a few days, most of them are scams with anon teams dunno if we are really in true bull market territory yet though, but things should start heating up after the halving ok be good if it stays that way for a while until we're ready XD Title: Tech layoffs jump in January as Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft reach high "The Nasdaq is at its highest since early 2022, and Alphabet, Meta and Microsoft have all reached fresh all-time highs. " tech stocks booming again debian core dev / mozilla director proj to reimpl coreutils in rust: Title: Sylvestre's blog > join our discord test test back Title: --libcurl - Everything curl wtf Pretty cool Nice series btw: Title: Slow Horses - anon why aren't you writing a client-server usin http on top of http on top of quic? Title: GitHub - kixelated/webtransport-rs: Simple WebTransport library in Rust. the user avatar is apt fitting Title: Beschuldigter übergibt Bitcoins im Wert von zwei Milliarden Euro ans Bundeskriminalamt - DER SPIEGEL > Men hand over Bitcoins worth two billion euros to the BKA noooooo test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Title: Not Acceptable! "Why I Moved My Blog from IPFS to a Server" this is an instructive article: - IPFS users don't run their own nodes so data is not propagated when it's read. (unlike bittorrent) - had to try and get centralized ipfs gateways to pin his content thanks for sharing that, reminded me I've been meaning to look into alternate hosting solutions for my own site/blog because I currently use (Jack Dorsey's creation) test test back hey, looking for guests for a lunarDAO twitter space discussing "privacy applied", using privacy tools in the real world if there are any guests or suggestions of people that embody this, drop them here it would also be great if they arent already in the lunarDAO network (this'll help introduce us to more people that havent heard about LunarDAO hmm interesting... will try to come up with some ideas for that that's hard because the biggest users of privacy tools are schizo hackers yea, that would want to remain off the radar but any bigger profiles that use actual privacy tools throughout their daily lives luptak and juraj are good examples jameson lopp is public about using privacy tools anyone outside of lunardao orbit with an audience would be helpful to also bring more eyes to lunarDAO a well may be a good option, they speak about this topic and are a good vendor where can I find info on lunarDAO? pi: ask their channel: /join #lunardao thanks <4chin> Title: /g/ - /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread - Technology - 4chan thank you for sharing this friendly thread <13> test test back I will be interviewing someone from CultDAO tomorrow, does anyone have any questions they would like to see answered? about anonymous DAOs and their implications wtf is that Title: Silky anteater - Wikipedia I can't do an Atomic Swap: I got hi pi the code is being updated rn in preparation for a new release Title: Finance worker pays out $25 million after video call with deepfake ‘chief financial officer’ | CNN _gabrielShapir0(@lex_node): wait till they hear that 91% of Solana validators are personally doxxed to and have legal agreements with the Solana Foundation or that most Cosmos ecosystem validators are doxxed to the public to get delegations (and many just run on keys held by a service by other companies) this is pretty much an industry-wide problem; crypto is not ready for massive governmental crackdown or other legal attacks Title: Chivalry - Cartlann Title: POP! Goes The Hydrogen Howitzer | Hackaday Title: Netflix: Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against and Growing Rapidly * TorrentFreak we're winning nice I recently created a nice setup for downloading movies and tvshows with Prowlarr, Radarr, Sonarr and Plex. I can add a title on Plex to my watchlist and the torrent will be automatically downloaded, unpacked and put for Plex to play :D i use qbittorrent with the inbuilt search engine it's the best lovely, I love torrenting Test Test back errorist: one sec my internet went down On the phone rn np test test back was disconnected briefly test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back hello aiya hi draoi hello yo hi foo hey there test test back Title: Vrouw (18) uit Leuven aangehouden in een van de grootste vondsten van 3D geprinte wapens ooit (Leuven) | Het Belang van Limburg Mobile 18y/o girl arrested for running a 3D gun printing factory brotherhood of NOD logo on one of guns LMAO! aiya: [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" test test back test test back test test back [contact."aiyadt"] contact_pubkey = "7HPTLvLNEPs8ohKxQTaXTAnHJGmcxU52jk2fm46efiRR" ty [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" test test back test test back test test back rust nightly still not fixed :< test test back errorist: yeah, stdsimd was dropped so crates must change their nightly configuration its a pain in the ass, but you can work around it using an older nightly and manually changing package versions in Cargo.lock upgrayedd: I tried with rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-01-31 --force and then rustup default nightly-2024-01-31 but it still failed, will try and manually change versions in Cargo.lock you need to also change the toolchain the repo uses what is exactly the command/flow you want to execute? I can help you with the steps needed like this?: rustup override set nightly-2024-01-31 I want to compile lilith and try to spawn some nodes that won't work so you installed nightly-2024-01-31 yup you should also add the wasm target to it rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2024-01-31 ++ after that open rust-toolchain.toml and change channel from "nightly" to "nightly-2024-01-31" after than open Makefile and change line 7 from CARGO = cargo +nightly to CARGO = cargo after that, execute make lilith it will either build directly or nag about some dependency using stdsimd unstable feature when we have that we can manually change the version in the Cargo.lock UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE COMMIT SAID CHANGES :D promise, I won't :D yeah just stating for anyone else lurking here that might also encounter said issue :D it's compiling now, nice yeah and for darkirc running make darkirc should work cool, tysm upgrayedd do I still need to do something in Cargo.lock after it's compiled? if no package nags no you should be good right now ahash is broken, since they haven't update their nightly config yet which is a low level dep to a lot of cryptography stuff dalek for example is fixed, but it's not backwards compatible, so the .lock hack is simply specifying using a combo of compatible versions with our older nightly usage ok cool test test back test test back test test back : test test back : test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Twitter thread on the influence that Julian Assange has had over the entire ecosystem share out and retweet wherever possible hi it;s me mario : test test back test test back darkirc failing for me now check this out haumea: nice doxxing lmao i had a darkirc node still running from a long time ago haumea: same now here too ok it's failing on the server for me too I have dasman's node in my lilith as seed, maybe his went down again wdym "failing" logs or gtfu : test test back so in lilith if I have another node listed as seed, my connection is going through this node like a daisy chain? I uncommented seed and it's working fine now : hey : still not getting all the messages though, need to restart weechat : that's weird : can you see the msgs in your log? errorist: its more like your lilith will ask that node for peers, to fill its list upgrayed: I see draoi: which log? so in this case it acts more like a quick bootstrap of your own lilith errorist: I don't think mirror-bot is two-ways errorist: the debug output of your darkirc node, the client of which is not displaying msgs draoi: do I need to run in verbose? I don't see the messages there when just running ./darkirc ah yes plz run with -vv my nodes are fine, I can still connect and sync successfully same for lilith, run with -vv ok, let me check dasman: did you share the logs already? I did, check TG recv'd ty yw : test test back : test test back will check logs in a bit, gtg for a lil while : sup bros : i can see everything : alwayshasbeen : etc : same here : XD : must be something on my side : I can send but not seeing yours lol : could it be the irc listen port? : I have a different one than default oh weird my server is connected now and running : test test back : test test back : test back : test back : test : test back test back : test : test back test back : test : test back test back : test : test back test back test test back hello Is anyone here? hey I'm around Hello. Have you seen anyone known as azurekiss? They were on a platform I on, but left and mentioned this server. I know usernames are anonymous here though. hmm name doesn't sound familiar from here, dont think I've seen anyone using it there's also the telegram channel, they could have referred to that i'll check it, but don't worry i'll stick around here too. I feel like a hacker accessing this lmao haha I know hey, me too I'm learning C++ and Java currently. But i'm at the "why the frick is this giving my 5000 lines of errors" stage of C++ templates are a pain haha I understand the struggle, I got into C++ at work last year and it's been interesting... although recently took up Rust, which is making in-roads into crypto projects (such as this one) I want to work up to making an RPG from scratch but for now i'm just doing smaller programs like a basic polynomial library to do stuff like solve and factor integer polynomials Cuz I'm a math nerd. Also I wanna work on a command line idle game to gain some experience ooh that's pretty cool personal projects like that are the way to go, the math stuff will help if you ever want to get into open source projects like darkfi I managed to make some progress albeit i had to rely on chatgpt for some of the code, but by analyzing what it generates I can learn to code better hopfully I wanted to jump right into the RPG but I realized quickly that would be a lot of work with my level of experience. So I wanna get some more. Also I want to learn haskell but it's just so different from C and C++ that i'm having a hard time with it. well C++ is the main language for anything gaming related, I was using it with Unreal Engine I don't know anything about Haskell, but my advice would be to stick to one or two languages at a time Haskell is like if a mathmatician was asked to design a programing language based on the definition of a programing language and nothing else. haha I see All data is imutable, everything is a function, and there isn't even a set evaluation order. You define more what to do and let the compiler figure out how to do it. Whereas a language like C, you define how to do somthing, and the compuler figures out what you're doing to optimize it. *compiler sounds like Rust, data variables are immutable but by default, you can change it to mutable Rust does take some inspiration from functional programing, but in haskell, immutability is enforced for everything. sounds tedious There is a garbage collector, and you can use trickery to simulate state so it's equivilent to other programing languages. Even if immutability is enforced There are these thingies called monads which you can use for IO and i'm going to be honest I do not understand them looking at it now, it does looks complicated straight off the bat But once you know haskell, code is apparently a lot more readable because it is defined in terms of what to do instead of how to do it. and it is a lot more compact too I don't know, I think after Rust I'll likely move onto Javascript and maybe leave it there for a while, already know Python/C, C++ I'm okay I'd only do Haskell if it was an absolute requirement for something I'm gonna learn haskell but not use it exclusively or anything. I also wanna get better with python. python is good to know definitely Python seems really nice for if I need to write a script that i just need to run a few times and I need to do it quickly. And I do know that python can compile to C with cpython to make it run fast yep pretty much it Also haskell is supprisingly pretty fast, on par with C a lot of the time. But enough about Haskell. It confuses me and I am going to be a math major lmao. actually I think one of the other devs in here was interested in Haskell haha fair Also, I have an idea for a way to basically establish a secure communication over any internet chat platform that lets you upload files, and send encrypted messages that are indistinguishable from normal documents and images. how would you do that? If done right, this would let you basically turn anything into a free speech zone, because admins would not be able to prove that you are sending anything other then innocent images to eachother. fair enough, I think darkfi is aiming for that too Basically, first the Idea is to do a Diffie–Hellman key exchange in such a way that it is unrecognizable as one. This requires both users to know what to do ahead of time, but once everyone knows what to do they can establish a secure channel over any public service that lets you send files. With this, you could make a facebook group a free speech zone, and the admins would have literally no idea it was anything other then an image sharing group. There is nothing stoping you from doing a Diffie–Hellman key exchange over internet chat actually. nice idea, I know darkfi uses a DH key exchange so it's definitely the way to go But it would look very suuspicious to just send a 4096 bit prime number to somebody. Well not a prime, but it would look strange to send random data to someone and it would be very suspicious So the idea is to create an innocent looking odt file Overide manifest.rtf with the public secret(after copying it) and send it along with a sha256 to pretend to be verifying it. (the sha256 of the real file, not the 'corrupted' one. Then, they can extract the manifest.rtf file, which would be encoded in a way to look corrupted, when in reality it is the key. The public key for the key exchange. The other person would do the same thing, and the two people now have a secure channel established in a way that won't raise eyebrows. Now, use a key derevation function on that shared secret, use 256 bits for an aes 256 key and the rest of the information to feed into some sort of algorithm. you sound very well versed in cryptographic principles, I like the idea This algorithm would take in the rest of this information that was obtained from the exchange, some AES-256 cyphertext, and an image, and output a near identical image with the cyphertext encoded into it. I'm a novice honestly, but i'm trying to learn more. This idea is a bit rough around the edges and needs more work to be viable in practice see what the other devs think, as for myself, I've only done one cryptography elective when I was at university, but teaching myself about it more now with darkfi's implementations Anyways, with this shared information, all users who partook in the key exchange could encode cyphertext into images. Also during the eky exchange, you would pretend the document got accidently corrupted and send the document with the correct sha256 You could have users post fake plaintext posts But have a few image channels or somthing that you use as a free speech zone. I don't know how to add new people to this exchange, but I do know it's robably possible. Also you could probably use asymetric crypto to make this more secure but more performance intensive to perform. just using aes for the sake of simplicity I like the idea, probably also want to use ZK proofs not familiar with them, but I will look them up now. oh yeah, they underpin a lot of privacy focused protocols Anyways, my idea would be that the intial exchange would be impossible to prove it was anything other then just documents being corrupted(you send the 'right' document afterwords and everything after that is embeded in either more ""corrupted"" documents or normal looking images. hey I gotta head out, can talk later Cya Stay safe out there :3 c-ya haha I shall try :3 i'll probably work on implementing an actual implementation of this idea tommrow just somthing purely theoretical, not meant to be used in practice, just a proof of concept. anyways, goodnight Colonizor48: you should learn rust instead of c++ Title: Rate-Limit Nullifiers - The DarkFi Book check this out for anon chat spam resistance Title: GitHub - djanderson/aho: A git implementation in awk woah cool i feel inspired to learn awk haven't heard of awk before, looking into it now test test back : test : test back test back Title: Why Mud Wrestlers Give Up Everything For An Ancient Sport | Still Standing | Business Insider - YouTube Also a lot on the libertarian left do also get distracted by identity politics. But I digress. Anyways, where can I learn more about guns? I've got a friend who's trans and a good deal of my friends are lgbt. Gotta protect them if the ultranationalists try anything funny. In addition to myself. Oh yeah also fuck big corporations too. They just use identity politics to divide the working class and as a cynical ploy to try to centeralize their control over culture. anyone with an alternative to firn protocol or railgun? they're both prohibitively expensive i miss zkmoney concernednetizen: if you don't mind splitting into small positions to minimize the risk of being rugged, you can use cake wallet centralized swap to buy XMR with ETH (and buy back in if desired) or you could try the ETH->XMR atomic swap, it's one directional tho ofc XMR has some traceability issues, but it's still better than ETH Title: Bad OPSEC - How The Feds Traced a Monero User - YouTube kinda interesting the guy gets caught here cos of opsec, not cos of monero tracing ty fellow_traveller in the end it comes down to opsec and choice of software/platform used te operate on fellow_traveller: are you the same dev as for opentransactions? Colonizor48: #fosscad channel on oftc network aiya: what's your pub key for DMs? i'm contact_pubkey = "GNuVxM7358FSbDqZZw5dhkK2CHdhyxpP9cS2WhYao2uW" xeno: 7HPTLvLNEPs8ohKxQTaXTAnHJGmcxU52jk2fm46efiRR test test back / ./nick 0xhiro try again with just /nick [nick] <0xhiro> thsnkd <0xhiro> thanks test test back test test back Title: /λ/ - Programming Employment lmao lol Nice haumea: There' There's also rlnv2: Title: 58/RLN-V2 | Vac RFC aha kk oh great, was going to make this change but glad to see it's already done like christmas everyday recently :D all the rust "rewrite" ppl should make an improved man command with table of contents and easily see switches with short desc .etc >what is GNU info doesn't work with most tools i take that back info mpv > No menu in this node how do i see the switches, or a contents menu for the mpv manpage? Title: Find contents of a man page - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Title: Loneliness makes you a visionary - YouTube test test back test test back test test back test test back test again : test test back : test back : node reconnected well (quarantine working) : test test back : test test back : test back : test back : Test Test back : Test : Test Test back : Test back : Test back Test back : test test back : hmm had a connection issue there : test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Title: -=:[ Demoscene & Video Game Music Streaming Radio Links ]:=- test test back test test back test test back : Test Test back : Test back : test : test back test back : hi test test back : test test back : test back test test back : test : test back test back DarkFi mention missing and so is Monero :D And they categorized Zcash under coin mixer, not privacy pools category Title: 200 OK Interesting story of how AirBnb raised much-needed cash in its early days : test : test back test back : test test back : test back : So that is funny. I'm seeing two replies in the telegram mirror - the testbot test back and website title test back - but neither in my own weechat session. : oh weird : i see everything : we need a tool to dump internal event graph state : right now it's impossible to see what's happening aiya: i see darkfi in that list there lol Title: Bowing Ravens Circle Dance - YouTube : gm : i think dasman is working on the event graph debugger : nice Title: Listen to these Orca whales imitate human speech - YouTube test test back test test back haumea: oh nice, they didn't mention it on the privacy spectrum slide tho, they mentioned anoma which is under development fixed AirBnb cereal link Title: Yahoo test test back upgradedd: can you send me your pub key for DM aiya: FfrD6FVbQZmbA5TQVxeRra4cAryH8ijC9G3r2BieFzSs test test back upgrayedd: mine is 7HPTLvLNEPs8ohKxQTaXTAnHJGmcxU52jk2fm46efiRR aiya: added you test test back : Test : Test back Test back quit test test back : test : test back test back mfw jaw aches from unconsciously mewing and i can't switch it off pain is good, signs of something changing : test : test back test back : seems like I have the same problem as dark-john, I can send messages but not getting messages in weechat unless I restart weechat : was ok for a few days, now same behaviour : sounds like an issue with event graph possibly : dasman is building a debugger to help identify such issues : nice aiya: pain is not always good Title: TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders) | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research oh hello dentist, disorders definitely not good lmao dentist enters the chat : hey errorist: around? test test back : test test back test test back : test : test back test back is this any interesting? I don't fully understand what it is about, to be honest 1990 - A committee formed by Simon Peyton-Jones, Paul Hudak, Philip Wadler, . . . creates Haskell, a pure, non-strict, functional language. Haskell gets some resistance due to the complexity of using monads to control side effects. Wadler tries to appease critics by explaining that: > “a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what’s the problem?” --- still i'm interested in category theory so will check it out this is interesting: Title: GitHub - msakai/cpl: An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL). see chap 5: I need to wrap my head arount rgb contracts in the first place... ^ insert category theory link for the LunarDAO twitter spaces today at 15:00 UTC Privacy applied, privacy tools in the real world chatGPT has gone insane apparently spewing garbage Title: Too Many Requests Title: This felt like watching someone slowly go insane. : ChatGPT creepy have you seen this? lol yeah lol test test back a list of links from the twitter space that was mentioned: here is the list of links I've collected: Title: Silent Link Title: Anon Shop Title: Simplified Privacy – Privacy Made Easy Title: Title: Buy Gift Cards & Top Up Airtime with Bitcoin or Crypto - Bitrefill Title: Coincards UK - The UK's Bitcoin to Gift Card Exchange Service Title: Cake Pay: Buy Gift Cards with Crypto Title: Session | Send Messages, Not Metadata. | Private Messenger & simpleX, Matix, Nostr was mentioned imo test test back test test back sadar: thanks for sharing test test back nick test test back nick test test test back faku: you need /nick [new nick] draoi i know im just testing this my keyboard shortcuts fucked up bruh test test back test test back i want to join the "hidden" channels based on "algorithms" "programming" "conspiracies" "crypto" "health". Someone give me links. Thanks test test back tes test test back whoamipussycat: Title: 429 Too Many Requests lol almost got me >.> upgrayedd im not clicking on that link i just accessed all the forbidden knowledge thanks upgrayedd pussycat: don't be a pussy and click the link it's worth the click manifold im not clicking your loss im not a dumb fuck test test back correction, i am a dumb fuck :o whoamipussycat: welcome to the club yeah lol test test back im sorry i am actually a dumb fuck not you whoamipussycat yes absolutely already proven test test back your save attempt is even dumber, so... save it own the dumbfuckery emprace your inner strength become the best version of yourself still dumb, but at least best upgrayedd draped guy im upgrading to the dumbest version of myself cause dumbest is dum best test test back retards and geniuses unite against midwits lmao it's like that meme test test back test test back gib DRK plox, my faucet/airdrop doesn't seem to work: AnimeR5SybUuQqQTRzRwSwqkUshpPE3BjsWtDY3NhdJy woah nice addy anon: teh testnet is gna be nuked v soon we're shipping a new one rn babe wakeup, new satoshi lore just dropped Title: Satoshi - Sirius emails 2009-2011 Title: oh cool sirius, he was one of the early 5 and a nice guy test test back test test back test test back lain: I tried building master too but couldn't sync to any other nodes, is that expected? anon: darkfid on master is under development, no nodes are deployed test test back tst test test back test test back test test back <\ test test back <\ test test back <\ can i connect one windows laptop and a linux laptop using a single ethernet cable by giving them │ <\ │ │ static ips <\ or do i have to modify the ethernet cable physically \ if you don't have one, yeah you modify a normal one <\ thanks so thats why im not having connections <\ so i have to open and rewire them just the one end test test back \ test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back i get disconnected then again have to restart test test back is anybody here or is this abandoned test test back test test back hello hello hello is anybody hearing me ? gm test test back test test back lol Title: I'm coder test test back : test : test back test back : test : test test back : test : test : test : test : test test back test back test back test back test back : test back : test back : test back : test back test back : mirror-bot for mirroring darkirc to ircd or what hello : test test back : test back test test back : hey : yes exactly we are mirroring msgs from darkirc to ircd cos we're not fully migrated yet/ for testing : glad you could join :D : test : test back test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Title: US airman sets himself on fire outside Israel embassy to protest ‘genocide’ | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera maybe we need a geopolitcs channel Title: Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell - Wikipedia who would be best person to speak with about about something, would rather not do on the open channel [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" send me your DM key sorry am a hotdog with this setup how to get DM key? thanks for your help Title: Private Message - The DarkFi Book send me your key too contact_pubkey = 8BgzT5SzUbrcYyuyE1YVHAo1hgLKVdbPB9Kt3BWMZJh8 draoi: support for the George channel I meeant the geo channel :D loopr Goerge is good name tho #George XD haha yeah reminds me of BLM tbh oh, hang on didn't save the priv key darkfi making a hotdog learn liberation tech. bullish. <3 test test back this is so weird ok. have saved. hotdog question do I need to remove the ## comment prefix in the cofig for it to be enabled? yes spore: yes, # is the comment character [contact."spore"] ## contact public key contact_pubkey = "C9vC6HNDfGQofWCapZfQK5MkV1JR8Cct839RDUCqbDGK" y ty spore: sent you a DM hotdog doesn't know how to check dm's kek spore: did you restart your ircd instance? doing now the DM would have poped up on the bottom of your channels in weechat (no) ok, restarted. not seeing DM. Have added narodnik to contacts. have uncommented on pub and priv key. fanks for hotdog tech support. test test back spore: check DM sent you one can see 7:#random{1} [H: 2(14)] but not sure how to get into the new buffer lol as am only seeing top level channels in the weechat sidebar 1. darkfi 3.memes 4.philosophy etc not seing how to get to dms tryna check here but still hotdog Title: WeeChat user’s guide did you restart after adding my key? try restarting your ircd node spore: alt + arrows yeah - there is no DM buffer yeah but seems he doesn't see the DM you added my key, right? did restart ircd after adding keys, yeah did you edit the correct file? ~/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml (assuming default paths) yep, that is the file which has been edited gonna restart the node again so this is what see in the tray [7] [irc/darkfi] 7:#random{1} [H: 2(28,3), 1(9), 3(3), 4(3), 5(3), 6(3)] but alt arrow just cycles me through the top level channels this is my pubkey contact_pubkey = "C9vC6HNDfGQofWCapZfQK5MkV1JR8Cct839RDUCqbDGK" [contact."spore"] spore: you don't add yourself pubkey in the config hope what i have to say is wortwhile after all this hotdog stuff kek just the private key keep the pubkey in a comment so you can easily share it around its no harm adding his own pubkey, i have it too spore: did you add your private key, and my public key? ok, have removed self haumea: yeah I meant you don't need to ++ ok. have to run. will loop back round later to try and figure this out. thanks for help so far. test test back test test back test test back getting randomly disconnected for no apparent reason then it's always a hassle to reconnect with my vpn on and it takes me like 10 times if not more what you guys think of idena? an anon version of worldcoin? not so much the coin but the mechanism it's using to determine unique users anonymously i haven't checked it out what's the mechanism? link etc never heard of it, is it new? pangea: we are working on a new release of this chat called darkirc which will be more stable if it can't be duped by AI then it seems pretty clever however inconvienant compared with zero knowledge proofs and secure hardware trying to find a good link with explanation but basically it sets a worldwide time for people to login and perform a series of tests that require human reasoning the idea being that it would be difficult or near impossible to solve the puzzlesfor multiple accounts at the same time sounds interesting, the world needs a worldcoin alternative it's a captcha basically proof of humanity stuff yea basically would be extremely handing for voting etc handy** Title: Innovating Identity Verification: An Introduction to Proof of Personhood (PoP) Protocols | HackerNoon n1 test test back test test back test test back test test back <|"p@~uh}6$]==Dub> test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back @haumea are you around? hey did u see my dm @haumea? no i just sent you one as a test do you see it? nah that's not coem through to the dm buffer for you that i can see test test back gonna have a read back through the docs to see what i am doing wrong @haumea can you share your pub key in case I got that wrong? wonder if it's this: Title: Private Message - The DarkFi Book > Note for Weechat Client Users: When you private message someone as shown above, the buffer will not pop in weechat client until you receive a reply from that person. For example here 'alice' will not see any new buffer on her irc interface for the recent message which she just send to 'bob' until 'bob' replies, but 'bob' will get a buffer shown on his irc client with the message 'Hi'. when i have sent narodnik or haumea msgs i now have a buffer open. but no responses from them... so seems we're in two compartmentalised buffers... (or i could be hotdog, not sure) [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" Ok, have dm'd with those key details but not seeing a response. just to sanity check this is the key you are using for me? [contact."spore"] ## contact public key contact_pubkey = "C9vC6HNDfGQofWCapZfQK5MkV1JR8Cct839RDUCqbDGK" Y yes correct do you have your private key in the config file? [private_key."XXXXX"] like this ok, **think** figured out the issue [contact."spore"] contact_pubkey = "B5MxuXnLWawwEhoxW5hr6MRtDHpF8tJd3QFGsja7oEeV" @haumea can you message me to this key? ok spore spore: check DM added new key and restarted tets test test back just dm'd but is going to old buffers can't see a response. thought it may have been that I didn't save the private key correctly so regened and saved and restarted the irc server test test back this takes me back to gpg early learning lol can you share your config file but change your private key to XXX yeah hang on also which file are you using for ircd_config.toml? is it in ~/.config/darkfi/ ? or where is it? /home/spore/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml are you running ircd as your normal user? not as root (using su or sudo)? Title: Context – share whatever you see with others in seconds can you delete the last 2 lines you have the pubkey added for both narodnik and haumea so just pick one nickname test test back running it as normal user not with su or sudo ah great did you see my message as well? can you delete the last 2 lines? you have the pubkey added for both narodnik and haumea so just pick one nickname ok, just DM'd nardonik ls -l /home/spore/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml ^ can you show me what this says? -rw-rw-r-- 1 spore spore 2804 fev 27 16:59 /home/spore/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml ok looks good [contact."haumea"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" you see these lines? they're duplicate can u try to dm to me again... see if issue has been resolved by removing the duplicates can you delete 2 of them? yes yep have done i DM'ed you repeatedly so not yet working ok - thank you for your persistence thanks for your patience mind to share your config again? yep hang on (remove privkey) Title: Context – share whatever you see with others in seconds yep it looks perfect can you try running: ircd --config /home/spore/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml ? ok, have done that and tried to dm again :-) gonna have to run again for some hours. errands. will keep coming back to try and figure out. may be worth, may not be. fun excuse to be in irc again tho. ok cya later i wonder why everyone thinks irc is dead/an old thing, seems very alive and well to me on libera and oftc Title: Why IRC is not dead Title: IRC Will Never Die | Hackaday oh 100% don't fink irc is dead, just that things i have been doing have not oriented around irc WTF is going on with these DMs tho. bet it's gonna be something real hotdog i'm doing. yeah strange idk spore, whats your issue? You're not receiving DMs? SIN yeah Have you followed the syntax in the ircd_config.toml file for adding other's pubkeys? [contact."contactname] contact_pubkey = "publickey------------------------" yes shared config with haumea who thought it looked ok folks who've move on to discord/slack and other irc like proprietery apps believe irc is dead it comes down to use cases and feature sets available for irc client users to manage their workflows within a FOSS framework i assume you've restarted your ircd spore? off to sleep, gn all spore: SIN can help you ircd --config /home/spore/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml this is spore's config file: Title: Context – share whatever you see with others in seconds spore you can reshare using as that old one expired Title: Context – share whatever you see with others in seconds so happy be leaving slack behind so much bloated stuff just to make things *seem* nicer irc got the messaging stuff right from the start so many years @sin here you got, tysm Title: Context – share whatever you see with others in seconds @sin yes restarted ircd you'll notice a copy paste duplication in there but u get the picture test test back you avail to test a DM spore? test test back hi hello alice i have posted a query in #math i need some help do you guys use any nootropics. like nicotine one of my targets is contribute to darkfi. i like the concept. i came across it in a podcast featuring Amir Taaki but i dont know everthing. i need to learn i like the vision ping test test back alice: just caffiene and occasionally lions mane Title: Learn - The DarkFi Book draoi: i am also taking coffee but with cigs so the wiki recommends ubuntu manjaro. they should instead recommend something like devuan for beginners it matters little though also im having problems with darkirc. i am using ircd which works. darkirc says DAG errors. maybe it has no seeds or something anyways ircd works welcome alice coffee with cigs = european breakfast :D lol alice: the default darkirc seeds do not work you need to modify ur config with one of the actually active seeds errorist can help you :) so if i make my own ircd seeds and distribute it privately only among some selected peers will this be our(the selected peers) only network draoi: is it there in the wiki how to create my own seeds. seems like i can make some application for messaging sometime for ircd errorist: cheers you too alice: peers share info about the network w each other, but providing you restict which nodes are on your network then yes you can make a private network. not sure why you'd want to tho as we have encrypted channels and DMs there is a tutorial on how to make an app on the p2p network here Title: P2P API Tutorial - The DarkFi Book in the future we will implement swarming like on torrents so we will have multiple subnets on a single overlay network draoi: i found the wiki page. damn there are many books to read. guess i will be busy i have 2 months freetime at hand so no problemo alice: you can add these seeds for darkirc, these should work atm: seeds=["tcp+tls://","tcp+tls://","tor://cbfeuw6f4djcukyf3mizdna3oki6xd4amygprzdv4toa3gyzjiw6zfad.onion:25552"] I can hep you spin up seeds if you want, was thinking of doing a small doc on darkirc and lilith alice: wanna exchange keys and we can DM? okay i will add errorist. yes the doc will be great errorist: sure hold on i need to look at the wiki how to dm [contact."errorist"] Title: Private Message - The DarkFi Book contact_pubkey = "855RitmfR499dBRGFFZHH33vCBxF77q8D3uX65vSFW52" take your time, you need to generate your key, add secret to the config and my contact, restart ircd and give me your pubkey so I can add you and also restart, then we can test dm brb test test back okay errorist: my pubkey is JD3M9mwssFBB9sckhw7uQuveLQ5LDaVvgEYWCuyLvqBC test test back test test back do you see my message errorist test test back i see the buffer do you alice: gimne a few mins, need to add your contact and restart okay test test back test test back alice: msged you now too errorist: found your message nice! test test back test test back test test back test test back hey drnick you made it :) nice haha cool! welcome drnick: take a look at Title: Private Message - The DarkFi Book yep made it in! nice one will check out the link <3 drnick: you can add my contact in the config and share your pubkey so we can DM, lmk if you need any help [contact."errorist"] contact_pubkey = "855RitmfR499dBRGFFZHH33vCBxF77q8D3uX65vSFW52" just make sure you generate your pubkey with ircd --gen-keypair, add the secret to the ircd_config and restart ircd, then we can test DMs : test test back : test : test : test : test test back : test : test : hello : test test back test back test back : test back : test back : test back : test back : test back : test back : test back test back test back : haha opps test test back alice: ircd messages are not mirrored to darkirc, just fyi but darkirc messages are mirrored to ircd oh so thats why no test back in darkirc there is test back : test test back : test back test test back : test : test test back test back : hi draoi F?dT#c|P[ : test : test : test back test back test back : scary bot activity lol : test test back : test back draoi: I also don't see the testback in darkirc but I see it here I helped alice setup a seed and tor node and he has the same problem, wonder if it might be something with our configs but I remember dark-john also having the same issue im looking into it i mean my config test test back : test test back : test back we got alice running a tor node :) can connect to his/her node nice, I remember having issues with that so used some work around, will try it again this week deki: lmk if you need some help, we can exchange keys and DM : hey idk why you guys can't see the bot : i see a lot of test and test back msgs errorist: ty, will likely reach out later this week when I try it again :) : anyway, we have to debug some stuff related to the event graph : sending works fine, but receiving only when I restart darkirc : test : test back test back : sounds like an issue with the event graph : (thing we are building a debugger for) test test back test test back test test back test test back Title: Hemp Concrete: From Roman Bridges to a Possible Material of the Future | ArchDaily test test back *inhales joint* "hemp maan" xD in darkirc i get "malicious" event sent by the node vmkrd3y4tn2igrfegxtpme64h4tcxpkiw37nyhuhafpc342uhkbhonid.onion what is malicious here test test back Title: event_graph - The DarkFi Book okay then here it is said the event is validated doesnt marijuana kills neurons. so it is not good or it doesnt .. hi test test back [contact."narodnik"] contact_pubkey = "Didn8p4snHpq99dNjLixEM3QJC3vsddpcjjyaKDuq53d" test test back test test back test test back anyone follow this blog? talks a lot about ZK/crypto topics, seen him recommended a fair bit Title: LambdaClass Blog test test back erwin :D :) Public key: 2p4fv63Wa9gjRkQXPjA4hFAdLVhHrLfm39QhF3fQAmEh test test back trying to connect to libera, need sasl connection and registered account but can't get one without the other anyone know how to proceed? you should be able to register your nick w/o an sasl connection Title: Nickname Registration | Libera Chat hey erwinsmith test test back erwinsmith: added you to my config. did you add me? sent you a DM as a test haumea: can you send me DM as test as well? Public key: FaCKKQT355X36WGz1ABh9KM29HAUrH96iwkTDNxbgMRU test test back replied back at ya haumea hello hihi are you amir taaki if you are im a fan test test back test test back ; Open sourcing Pingora: our Rust framework for building programmable network services Title: The Cloudflare Blog test test back test test back test test back test test back gm test test back Title: Title: Scratch Data I recently got this book and I think it's good so far, it's easy to read and doesn't require strenuous concentration to understand, isn't too math heavy, and doesn't start off with irrelevant stuff like caeser cipher or vigenere cipher etc Title: 503 - Service Unavailable Error I know you can get all this information online, but I sometimes prefer a physical book, it's about the same size as the K&R C book hey deki haumea hello is this significant? Yeah ZSA is cool We have that already, but was easy for us since we start from scratch For zcash it took a lot of engineering effort Plus they also got rid of the legacy C++ node forked from Bitcoin Now they have a new Rust implementation called Zebra I should check what they did for hardware wallet nice test test back hi hi user Title: [2211.03622] Do Users Write More Insecure Code with AI Assistants? the answer will shock you, click here to find out more jokes aside, the conclusion is: yes lol test test back deki: you should check out libera IRC and some of the channels like #rust, #crypto, ... and maybe other servers like oftc test test back haumea: thanks, will get back onto it I was on the rust channel for a bit, that's where I found out about rustlings use /list to show channels also checkout the #suckless channel on oftc oh nice, it's been years since I've used IRC like this I'm guessing #suckless is something dev related lol software that sucks less, I like the sound of that distro made by the creator of gentoo Title: Wolf Pack Philosophy - Funtoo ACTION ... howls haumea: no wayland in funtoo i'd probably use gentoo or slackware : test : test back test back : hello from the other side this PCIe card allows changing the IMEI for sim cards it's what the nitrowall XT uses (aka the Mudi 4G LTE router) : test : test back test back i guess ganu/gantoo is safe cos they have pages on their wiki like Title: Monero - Gentoo wiki test test back test test back test test back loopr: gm I need to dm you. Here is my pubkey, could you share yours please. 5J7EBWjYGkp9FnjSxQBz4Ydw7LWDBsLLAF5wDaUJ9ivn test test back I made a PR fixing some broken links on the site although some I didn't know what to do, such as this one: Title: API Rustdoc - The DarkFi Book darkfi-derive has no location, and neither do a few of the binaries files node overview link is broken here, but couldn't find it elsewhere in the book Title: Overview - The DarkFi Book Title: Why Did Mozilla Remove XUL Add-Ons? | Hacker News idiots test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back monerotopia november 1-3, in buenos aires argentina Title: Monerotopia2024 - Monerotopia 2024 Contact us at to become a speaker! [contact."xeno"] contact_pubkey = "GNuVxM7358FSbDqZZw5dhkK2CHdhyxpP9cS2WhYao2uW" ^ hamletmachine loopr: maybe I missed it yesterday. If so, I'm sorry. Can you please share your pubkey? Title: GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: Desktop Environment in the Browser! > Our scientists have done things which nobody's ever done before... Dr. Ian Malcolm : Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should. otoh linux is continuing to slowly grow year on year: Title: Linux Crosses 4% Market Share Worldwide we're definitely in the era of a linux renaissance the article misses that it's cos of unixporn/tiling desktops year of the linux desktop :D and so... it begins how can you be into linux but be anti-crypto weird i suppose same way ppl can be into crypto but use MacOS because you heard about 'crypto' in 2010 but never invested/got involved, and then macos grifters got rich but you worked like a slave helping software freedom for altruistic reasons so they are butthurt basically "just use gnu taler" XD it's why many of them support the big state since capitalism is le bad, but at the same time have a stockholm syndrome towards it (normie liberal thinking)... while others are tranny mental-illness types that are hard left and many projects survive off EU grants, crumbs from master maybe gen Z'iers will rediscover linux I was lurking on unixporn the other day hyprland is the new shiny hyped thing there was this cool qubesos theme but apparently ricing qubesos is a pain in the ass is the window manager/compositor a separate vm like other processes? probably upgrayedd: yeah it's called the dom0 and you are not supposed to do much there otherwise you could introduce a bug makes sense wtf youtube won't let me search for blue whales it gives me a suicide help message #protect_the_kids weird, I can search for that phrase lmao "tranny mental illness types" many such cases regarding people being into linux, but are also massive statists: I used to know a guy who was a big linux user, always plugging cyanogen mod, etc, but massive left-wing, big state knows best-type reka: contact_pubkey = "4rzHWemAB35pLjGZeKeCdGYKRa3ZG5QNRGcrJecwjgU3" upgrayedd: is this still yours: FfrD6... ty loopr: my key contact_pubkey = "5J7EBWjYGkp9FnjSxQBz4Ydw7LWDBsLLAF5wDaUJ9ivn" Title: 4 Hours of Asian Mum to Help You Focus on Practising/Studying/Working - YouTube just what I test test back test test back : test test back : test back test test back yo hamlet 08:41 [contact."xeno"] 08:41 contact_pubkey = "GNuVxM7358FSbDqZZw5dhkK2CHdhyxpP9cS2WhYao2uW"  send your digitz nm just found in #markets xeno: sent test dm but it was before you got my pubkey i am "FaCK..." ... did you find it? test test back hamlet: sent you a DM test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back FPS game as a book: Title: Ace of Aces Tutorial - YouTube that's pretty cool, and from 11 years ago far out reminds me of a really good RPG that came out a few years ago: Disco Elysium, great game to play it's from 1980 that's pretty cool, had no idea this was even a thing this is a great grandad FPS before they existed ;) makes sense, there's always a precursor to something test test back test test back fcmp xmr update Title: j-berman full-time 3 months (part 6) (!426) · Merge requests · monero-project / CCS Proposals · GitLab darkfi mentioned a few times throughout Title: 429 Too Many Requests test test back Title: Modos's E Ink laptop could save your eyes from the scourge screen time test test back oh god yes wtf the demo is so good Apple terminates Epic's developer account because of a tweet their CEO put out: test test back yoo test test back hey cheese whats up deki drinking some kombucha rn, you? nice, what flavor? i'm not doing too much just reading it's mango/passionfruit, pretty nice :> nice, mango is one of my favorites how'd you get into darkfi? came across it on twitter earlier this year, what about you? im interested in zkp and thought it was an interesting project yeah I've been learning a lot about ZKP because of this, heard about them last year but only recently started learning about them it feels like there's so much to learn, how have u been going about it there is lol I've mostly been focusing on learning Rust, I was doing a fair bit of ZKP study, but putting that to the side for now to focus on Rust I'd say just focus on one thing yea that makes sense i'm reading about different zk programming languages and VM's right now. id like to start doing more dev work cheese: Title: Learn - The DarkFi Book you can ask help on here and also checkout Libera IRC #rust channel ##rust test test back test test back : test : test back test back : so empty is this place. am i all alone here. loneliness oh loneliness. im quitting. godspeed : hi anon that's cos darkirc is still under active dev : and is semi-stable : we are using ircd for comms lol the schizos xD interesting to have no idea who is in the channel... kind of like a dark forest i think.. test test back nice !hackersays “If we'd asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said "faster horses". Pheww finally this works nicee Took me a while to build ircd somehow welcome airpods69 Thanks draoi, how are you doing? (casual chit chatting if the channel rules dont mind, gotta still read the rules) hi yeah #random is fine for chatz fair enough then, though, I do have a question, the topic of channels should be "n/a" right? or did I miss out on something? Yeah, you can set them for yourself with "/topic foo bar" But doesn't propagate to other ppl Also you can permanently do it in the config file perfect, shall do. Gotta check out the config file too. I saw a post on lainchan about darkfi's hiring (Exact thread: so I was setting it up in a hurry to check what it is exactly so skipped a few things here and there. Title: /λ/ - Programming Employment :) (hiring wasn't the reason xD) <3 test test back test again kakakak jajaja :P for anyone not in the lunardao public ircd room, but would like to join: Title: ircd its an unencrypted channel, update your ircd config file with #lunardao on the autojoin = [ ] setting im there hello everyone hello wow :D this is cool, and happy to see how this chat ircd is setup; pretty neat. no dumb discord stuff hi ninsere hey wow, did you just join today? hey sadar, a day or two ago or something ++ if you wanna join the lunardao public channel, check that link above nice, i'll have a look. but why is it unencrypted, and not like this, i guess to keep track of who is around or something? doesn't it use the same ./ircd? this is a public channel too (which means its unencrypted) (cant rly check links now, but will check soon) oh, #random is unencrypted too? i guess i see a log section on the site you can make encrypted channels Title: ircd oh, k - understood. test test back "dark forest" is scary stuff ;) ; 3 body problem on Netflix soon ;) Title: liu cixin dark forest - Google Search Title: liu cixin dark forest - Google Search challenge for whomever was telling me AI is laughable only to recognize very soon it can produce "decent results". Now is freely available Orca-Math that is a 7 billion parameters model created by fine-tuning the Mistral 7B model. Orca-Math achieves 86.81% on GSM8k pass@1, exceeding the performance of much bigger models including general models (e.g. LLAMA-2-70, Gemini Pro and GPT-3.5) and math-specific models (e.g. MetaMath-70B and WizardMa8th-70B). Can anybody even do better than Orca-math ? And if yes - how much better ? And if much better, how long do you think you can keep your advantage ? root: you still need to understand what you're trying to solve. You can't just blindly use these tools without knowing anything about whatever formula you're using same as using a calculator random typing on calculator does not give you anything, deki. But trying to talk to genAI can give you something actually I was able to solve Quantum Explorers to highest rank using free chatGPT, yet I know nothing about the subject. Is that enough ? BTW I am happy that I saw a note about darkfi adding some quantum awareness stuff recently. Was a bit sad the other day Narodnik closed my with "Quantum computers will have a decade before becoming an issue" Title: Check that the cryptography used is sufficiently quantum secure. · Issue #90 · darkrenaissance/darkfi · GitHub root: "only to recognize very soon" when quoting someone, either put the full quote or don't quote them at all don't take words out of context to serve your narative you missed the whole point of the convo and you are still blind by hooneymooning with it Maybe, sorry if I did. Nevertheless genAI *present* results are *decent* to say at least. That is my point 2024-02-29 23:33:48 upgrayedd ... but right now, its laughable ... 2024-03-01 01:20:00 upgrayedd root: for a language prediction model, thats decent, but... is that ok for "only to recognize very soon" ? but again, I am not here to argue, really, there is no point wasting anybody's time this is not an argument, its a friendly discussion :D and no its not ok, since what comes after the "but" presents the full picture: " still not impressive in my book" by using the phrase "only to recognize very soon" you are pressenting a change of opinion which is false and if you recall in the conco, I specifically stated from the getgo that my "beef" is with how its marketed s,conco,convo re: "Is that enough ?" If your goal is to grab a quick and dirty answer to what you are looking for, it seems enough. Current state of LLM is more like a quick search engine for people who don't know or can do proper research. What is better? To properly understand and learn the subject, or just grab a quick answer, call it a day and gain surface knowledge without ever checking out its correctness? I like the calculator example deki mention, does by using a calculator to solve y = x + 1 makes you a mathematician? Or it just gives you a quick answer to a problem you have? Do you need to understand how the equation is solved? Then you need to research it. Thats where LLMs come handy, since they can do that research quicker than you, if you don't know what to search for. Its not AI, and its current state is stil laughable, especially if you know the inner workings of such tech and how they are presented/marketted to the public That being said, I will once again state that I really like that a huge focus of the tech community is trying to improve it, albeit for the wrong reasons right now(ride the hype train for profit), but as of right now, we still have a long to go to reach something that can be properly described as AI. Although to be realistic, I recognise that current state is "enough" for a large % of users, as they just want that quick answers and surfice "knowledge" to solve stuff faster But I dissagree with it, for the same reasons I dissagre with using an IDE's autocompletion to generate code since a lot of users, will just generate and never even read what was written As long as a seemingly correct result is produced, we are good. Ain't that naive to say the least? Title: The 25.3" COLOR EINK Bigme B251 Monitor Review - YouTube Title: Unboxing the COLOR E-ink Monitor (BIGME B251) - YouTube can't wait for a laptop with this screen would be amaze if framework made a color eink screen <3 dream laptop Title: Modos Paper Monitor Typing Demo - YouTube like this. been trying to convince them to sell me one in their matrix Title: Lenovo Thinkbook Plus 4 Eink Twist Laptop Review - YouTube about AI, chatgpt 3.5 writes rly shit code. probs chatgpt 4 is better but i haven't tried it. but if there's an expotential increase in quality like how there was for video generation then probs AI can write increasingly complex stuff. tho i'd be worried about it hallucinating hard to detect bugs it is troubling that people rather just use LLM than spend the time to research and learn something. AI cryptography: Title: Understanding Galois Fields: The Heart of AES Encryption | by Biraj karki | Medium wow: they'd rather "go fast than do it right", see Title: You're a beta male, Sonic. - YouTube hanje-zoe: how do u even verify any of the output of an llm without knowing if it's valid or not; like any conversation with a person in real life you'd have to verify that stuff with your own knowledge base. so why not do the damm research in the first place. or maybe it is about increasing the illusion of some metric of productivity so they can hype sell stuff shortcuts rather than doing the real work test test back : test test back : test back : back again not quitting : test test back : test back test test back Title: Numbers IRC was originally meant to be a p2p protocol: Title: IRCnet - Wikipedia Title: Vegetables and Fruits | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health significant improvement in heart disease and blood pressure test test back where on the planet can you withdraw fiat from crypto at an atm without kyc? hanje-zoe: there's a movie forks over knives that said if amerikkkans ate mostly veg & fruits instead of meat and processed garbage healthcare costs would drop 70%. fraud GDP measures sickness rather than health lol linux mint creating a new IRC chat to replace hexchat: Title: Linux Mint is Building a New Desktop Chat App - OMG! Ubuntu hello world hi rex she's alive :) first time using this thing, so need to figure out this ui. first time ever on an irc client hi draoi welcome it's the future :) feels like 1992 :) i'll be back for the 16:00 call just to listen tty s/listen/read :) true. test test back nice, a new irc client any suggestions for dns providers others here like to use? root: LLMs not good at cryptography SIN: OpenNIC test test back so, if i understand zk correctly, darkfi uses zks for privacy, but not scaling. what's the expected block size? test test back off-topic: what is the fuzz about ppl rejecting systemd is this still a topic after 20 years? well I never discussed it so yes it used to be people being annoyed that it overrides what they would like to do and has been foisted upon those who like some alternative. a quick search confirms that as of 2017 the discussion was still raging i'm no guru, so have never cared yeah I admit I have been happily using systemd ever, just systemctl start looked nice and standardized the discussion started around the time that running the distro of the month was a thing, as some distros had it and others didnt gotcha rex: "people being annoyed that it overrides what they would like to do" it goes way deeper than that... i'm sure there is nuance ;) its nuance when you are breaking core unix principals i've been subjected to enough rants on slashdot back in the day but i do remember that systemd overrode more than just wishes upgrayedd: like what do 1 thing and do it right? ++ most of it is bloat that you won't ever need or use, and when you try to actually use it you will find out its hell i think it used the wrong directories or ignored stuff that was supposed to be run. basically it threw unix convention out the window. or something to that effect. basically, you have to do things the systemd way or it will f*ck you I am sure for more complex stuff that will be the case But usually for me it was writing a simple unit file, and have a service run on boot thats what an init system suppose to do, just that, start something on boot systemd does hella more than that... ok the problem become greater when devs started using it as a dependency for convenience, therefore "addoption" came due to incopetence, not that it was better that what it was supposed to replace resuming, would you say that for a lightweight distro skip systemd and look for initV? and people started accepting it as the "standard", labeling people against it as "nuance users"... loopr: linux system is not just code, but also a philosophy well that would explain why systemd got to the front - not many *get* philosophy... oops i meant to link Title: software that sucks less | software that sucks less ++ not using systemd makes you smarter (see the bottom) loopr: I use openrc and runit, not an initV user so I can't really recommend it I am going to reuse a 8 years old laptop for play and I am in the fun of choosing a lightweight distro it's just these days we seem to make software that is bigger and more complex but not better ok thanks for convo the software still runs the same speed eventhough hardware is 100x slower and it looks like shit, using electron .etc software definitely runs slower these days cross-platform UIs is still an issue tho but yes, defo agree buy a new box, thinking everything will now just fly, only to be disappointed (until you start fiddling) i just read and feel the pain of those who must deal with it Title: software that sucks less | software that sucks less i'm still using void rn but gna switch at some point due to the anti-crypto cuckoldry dwm is great, tiled window managers just in general, prefer that as default with the optional floating windows if needed ++ dwm surprisingly worked really well with multi-monitors too, didn't have to do any modifications or recompile. was expecting otherwise think i had to do an xrandr to fix the positioning to match the actual monitors, but that's it. yeah using i3 since ages myself draoi: you gna switch to what? idk tbh maybe artix test test back test test back loopr: trying to dm you. Please let me know if u are getting my messages. test test back reka: I guess not...sorry for that can you try again? loopr: np one sec loopr: just tried to dm you again hmmm nope, not seeing anything if nothing, then maybe we can share pubkeys again and check config? yeah my pubkey: 5J7EBWjYGkp9FnjSxQBz4Ydw7LWDBsLLAF5wDaUJ9ivn test test back test test back test test back test test back hey, i'm having trouble getting this irc setup. after looking through the logs of this server,it seems i'm able to send messages, but i can't recieve anything. if anyone is willing to help, please message me on discord @theqo6869. i hope i'm not breaking any rules doing this Title: Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Bluesky so basically if there's a configurable set of mod keys, then messages can be tagged by those 'mod keys' and i can decide to hide them (or whatever) in my client : test test back : test back test test back test test back hello hello how's everything going? hey not bad fatman wbu hey draoi, i'm chillin. what yall got goin on today? i was about to start some privacy research but wanted to check in here first. :) just working on net stuff personally we had a dev meeting yday it was good I think I popped in for that for a bit brb gotta walk the dogs. test test back <000> test test back hello all hey wow hey cheese acck gotta go again test test back test test back test test back lets see if we manage to get a fix Title: IRCv3 server-time messages delivered out of order are appended to the buffer which breaks IRC as a p2p protocol · Issue #2096 · weechat/weechat · GitHub Title: Anonymous 23andMe and Ancestry Genetic Testing | DNASquirrel you can also use the GDPR to request them to delete all your data after test test back lol Title: Spreadsheets are all you – A low-code way to learn AI Title: ScienceDirect lol @ the first sentence of the intro: 'Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic:' i wonder i wonder Title: Trump’s Obsession with Genetic Superiority and Bloodlines - YouTube wow: can you tell me about that article hi loopr: are u around? trying to dm you again :) hanje-san: It looks like that introduction utilized AI; that's basically all i got, didn't go into it : test : test back test back : test test back : test back : test : test back test back : test test back : test back test test back test test back good morning gm hello test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back grants test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back !hackersays “Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If it's original, you'll have to ram it down their throats.” — Howard Aiken 15[Quote #65e067] "France prepearing 2000 in troops to enter Ukraine" Madness test test back test test back test test back woah pdfgrep is such a good tool i love customizable software like weechat, altho weechat has such bad defaults i guess that's an artifact of how old weechat is it's interesting some linux infra/IRC communities (like bitreich) which are almost like RPG communities: Title: table of contents they even have their own internal currency the bots are just simple scripts ez to make and setup just lil casual games for people <#> test test back fun website lol: <#> AccessDeniedAccess denied. :D chloe21e8 follow NgoloTesla on twitter i like the concept of exo-science and the rejection of regimes of truth however this seems pretty anti-scientific method also, like a lol of peaty stuff is too just like "it was revealed to me in a dream" just need to find the right balance <Ɛ>> Title: How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now - YouTube <Ɛ>> Veritasium predicts end of cryptocurrencies by 2036, when quantum breaks all cryptography i started darkfid and modified the config with consensus=true. do i need to uncomment (consensus_p2p_accept),(consensus_p2p_externel), etc. what is the blockchain size test test back done syncing blocks. JSON-RPC error: "Blockchain is not synced" test test back anon: i think testnet will soon be reset since we're upgrading rn Ɛ>: where in the vid? bs what reset tell me im on v0.4.1 use master for the testnet should i checkout master and build hanje-san ok i didnt know but fyi it's liable to break since the new testnet is coming soon hanje-san is darkirc fucntional see also contrib/localnet/ it should be, we're testing it rn "tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://", "tor://cbfeuw6f4djcukyf3mizdna3oki6xd4amygprzdv4toa3gyzjiw6zfad.onion:25552" seed nodes for darkirc hanje-san is the new testnet based on pos too allowed_transports = ["tcp+tls", "tor"] i heard pow no PoW yep its pow now thats nice so the monday meeting is held where? ircd or darkirc ? i guess ircd or both ircd for now Monday 16:00 CET in #dev so does the docs explain the master testnet thanks not yet lol stupid me too* excited thanks for the seeds of darkirc i made some bug fixes, those seeds need to update so do all the darkirc nodes (to latest master) i can provide an update to date seed in a min i see master testnet uses randomx. so pow for cpus specifically . isnt it . pardon my little knowlege. indeed hey draoi: which toolchain should i use to build master cause nightly-2024-02-01 giving me should be latest nightly fyi try these seeds: seeds = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] peers = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] brb b oof done compiling... had to edit build files... can u recompile latest master lol just pushed a fix srry it was not a toolchain issue... my poor skills ... okay let me see i know no rust... C i know... so i got this compiler warning idk \../ what that means whoops they are OK just warnings, you can ignore what did you run to get that tho? for darkirc you just need `make BINS=darkirc` draoi: i compiled statically ah so you comitted the latest fix. i guess its for darkirc ohh yes well specifically p2p net fixes which darkirc runs on ah okay if it was in shell or C/C++ i would have figured out myself but man rust is ... nvm i need to dig into it my rusty brain :) you will learn fast if you're a C/ C++ dev later now i wanna play with darkfi draoi: can you send me your darkfid_config.toml sec redis now becoming "source available" rather than opensauce i want to participate in block production. what should i set apart from miner=true. okay there are mainnet,testnet and localnet. and the deafault seeds are seeds = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] thnx oh sorry i misread u want darkfid but this is darkirc yea for darkfid u gotta talk to upgrayedd who is working on new testnet ok it's not finished or released yet, afaik he's just running locally there are 2 seeds given for mainnet though in darkfid i mean idk sorry, upgrayedd knows alrighty np Title: Parrots Love Tablet Games. How Do They Play Them? > Last year, the team showed a group of parrots how to video call one another, finding that the birds both overwhelmingly enjoyed the activity and could make the calls themselves, when given the option. lmao wtf cute Title: Red Hat's Long, Rust'ed Road Ahead For Nova As Nouveau Driver Successor - Phoronix birds seem like highly social beings they are constantly communicating imagine a parrot-phone and he rings his buddy, and they're both squawking at each other over a video call :D birds are cool I'm trying to feed the crows around my house amazing i heard crows spread rumors and will tell their friends that you are a crow-ally and word will spread Yes lol anon: there is no live testnet for current master, you can only test stuff locally for now hey upgrayedd ok. i have some questions i need to ask you. later. gtg someplace glhf [ thanks ;) test test back anyone here? servt3: yeap We think most of the EU will start seeing very large scale mainstream adoption after MICA. It’s going to be draconian: KYCAMLCTF everywhere. Massive cultural shift in crypto. It’s going to be the beginning of mass adoption by real businesses This is from Vinay Gupta from Mattereum I highly respect him, he has shown quite some vision and outlook, and he still considers himself despite the above messaging as an anarchist However these views are peculiar indeed He believes his Mattereum will lead the way in this KYC everywhere world through linking crypto to real assets crypto backed by real assets ? doesnt look good not backed by real assets, but a legal framework to be able to tokenize basically anything, to enable fractional ownership of anything - real estate, gold bars, artwork... how to fix my bug? which means a user can buy a house (or real estate fraction) with crypto anywhere in the world without involving fiat the price is KYC... servt3: what bug? ./drk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory servt3: did you install libasound2-dev? yup still not working what distro are you using? can you also install libout123-0 just in case thx green upgrayedd it's working now :) there's this conspiracy theory I think that all of the people here are bots made by Amir also the pics of Darkfi people and we can't know if these people really exist or Amir even real Title: Blocked now i got it yeah i was anon hold on dfa <=> nfa ;) i hate SQL. $ ./drk airdrop 1 Error: Failed to request airdrop Caused by: test test back airdrop pls servt3: are you on v0.4.1 or master did you sync the blockchain don't bother with current testnet, its getting nuked soon(TM) i had issues today with 0.4.1 and was adviced to go to master. dfa: there is no testnet network for master what's the difference between 0.4.1 and master the "advice" was for darkirc, not darkfid hey upgrayedd i was the anon guy today servt3: like a year of development 0.4.1 dfa: hey, welcome maybe i dont have access to the logs since im away from the computer. im not from europe though so i had no idea of mattereum. upgrayedd yes yup blockchain synced hmm is that your site upgrayedd oh got it it has books linked to the wiki servt3 is it working im curious though cause mine didnt. as it is said the testnet will be nuked soon and the master has no testnet. only local testnet deployment if you want to see do you know why it needs libasound2-dev. cause of the ping.mp3 nope. absolutely no idea. Title: git checkout mastererror: Your local changes to the following files would be o - servt3 that doesnt open in my browser. can you use something simple like or Title: Debian Pastezone srry though my system is such Title: debian Pastezone servt3: (git stash) and then (git checkout) did you edit Cargo.lock and doc/book.toml ? Title: debian Pastezone yea those are same errors i got and as they said dont bother with current testnet they are moving to new testnet soon ... pardon me my english sucks. okie will wait for new testnet hey lets deploy one ourseleves *joking* test test back test test back test test back test test back Title: New chip flaw hits Apple Silicon and steals cryptographic keys from system cache — 'GoFetch' vulnerability attacks Apple M1, M2, M3 processors, can't be fixed in hardware | Tom's Hardware Apple -_- just like intel in dev channel they are speaking alien language. those nerds rusty rust. i like iphones ;) there will be microcode updates for those chips in the furure i gues. bamboo shoot pork is tasty af. im gonna make those 2day. going to the pork shop. man i wish you guys really wrote everything in C not google rust apart from stuff like randomx ''test'' 'test test' hola test test test back all the crypto halo2 etc is in rust so no can do u can theoretically write smart contracts for darkfi in C tho cos WASM but also it's inconsistent to complain about muh google crust while also shilling iphones :p excited for bamboo shoot dfa: what do you mean by 'google rust'? Rust was developed by the Mozilla foundation deki you right i was just refering to google funding "rust". nvm me. i respect you devs all of you though. dont misunderstand me my english sucks. i am just not on your levels. ;) ah right, that's okay your english sounds fine I agree about using C though, but Rust handles all the memory stuff better even though syntax wise it feels a bit confusing at times Title: :: Dynebolic :: Free & Live Creative Multimedia Dyne4 out wow after all this time? :D 10 yrs ACTION have never touched sound production software ACTION boots dynabolic to play with ACTION is something of a DJ himself lol test test back I use linux for "pro" (very much hobbyist) audio production since years, although I use paid software for that (bitwig and u-he soft synths) checkout, or some older stuff at I used dyne for some time though too, so I will check it out, thanks brawndo for reporting : Test Test back holoniverse you should check this you'll prob like it Title: eureka! - Tennis Girl (1999) [FULL ALBUM] - YouTube : hey test test back pangea: I do indeed very much so loopr: Did you receive my msg? test test back Title: Difftastic, a structural diff export GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF=difft git show HEAD --ext-diff this eink almost-smartphone has been making the rounds on twitter lately: Title: BOOX Palma | Unleash the Power of Mobile ePaper – The Official BOOX Store runs android 11, but yo ucan't make any calls, so have to rely on wifi gotta admit, if it came with a simcard tray, I'd buy one I like the idea if it doesnt have any mobile antenna, dont see any mention of it Title: The Matrix Trashfire | Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp lmao test test back test test back Title: Just a moment... if you're in the EU, pivot to leaving test test back wild test test back hey guys i want to ask how to proceed in this scenario: there is a login portal using jquery and it is http, no tls i want to bypass the login and get access if anyone wanna help me via private message lets exchange keys i will pay in xmr what's the url? lol find someone connecting and snoop their traffic Title: MSN 3 body problem takes me back to my physics days. rip feynmann oops wrong channel nvm. am i from china. maybe netflix garbage it is the chinese adaptation was really good the book > chinese adaptation > netflix adaptation order of preference they forgot the 2>&1 part thats why : test test back : echo echo back : ty test test back test test back test test back nmap test test back test test back hi hi is ben here? test test back oh hello ash supp? hello i'm following no starch python and not sure if i did them correctly or not and I can't find ben every single times haumea: I'm sure that I added and text you but it doesn't appear, cn you dm again? yes see me? if not i'll restart No Me too ok just in case b test test back test test back test test back heyyyy test test back anyone here? always test test back test test back test test back instead of migrating to matrix, why not make a webirc client that stores messages while offline <666> i dont like matrix Title: The Matrix Trashfire | Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp <666> matrix is also not really "decentralised" yeah fake news, low effort "federated" Title: Federation is the future of social media, says Bluesky CEO Jay Graber - The Verge collaborative whiteboard Title: Drawpile test test back test test back Julian Assange extradition ruling Title: Julian Assange US extradition ruling live: UK court issues ruling | Julian Assange News | Al Jazeera LIVE: WikiLeaks statement on Julian Assange extradition Title: 429 Too Many Requests Judges Victoria Sharp and Jeremy Johnson have ruled that Assange will not be extradited immediately. The US has been given three weeks to provide additional guarantees, including that Assange will not face the death penalty. If the US provides the requested assurances by April 16, a second hearing could be held on May 20 for the court to consider whether to grant an appeal. Ameen Soleimani(@ameensol): this trial is so fucked up the judges ask him “do you think your using the chainalysis sanctions oracle prevented criminal use” Alexey explains “there is nothing anyone could do to prevent users from interacting with the smart contracts” then, in the next question - “why didn’t you consider implementing KYC to prevent criminal use” the judges are being willfully ignorant these judges don't understand the tech at all test test back gm that root guy lol vscode licker ai sucker lol what should i talk about in AI panel with logos today my concern about AI is that big tech/corporations with money can afford the expensive hardware to run the infrastructure while for a normal person to run his own AI it's basically impossible to afford it right now, this can give big tech an advantage there are open source models but if you have slow hardware.. also big tech has the advantage of having so much data they collected over the years, that maybe a layman doesn't have access to idk i feel like blaming AI is kinda counterproductive it's like saying guns are bad because some people use them to commit crime obviously AI in the hands of states will just result in Chinese level mass surveillance and control there's no escape from it apart from the dismantling of state systems i'm curious to listen to the panel but the framing seems a bit defeatist yeah i agree it has that vibe i mean AI doomer was planning to go jocko willink on them like 'good' it can only lead to the improvement/ hardening of anon systems js cuckdevs upset library switched from MIT to GPL to stop providing free shit to their proprietary startups: Title: What happened to TinyMCE's license? · Issue #9453 · tinymce/tinymce · GitHub lel wow this is really cool Title: SDL Developers Weigh Reverting Wayland Over X11 For SDL 3.0 - Phoronix Reality kicking in :o im in #wayland on oftc, and there's people nonstop everyday pushing commits/discussing, and a lot of spinoff projects like #wlroots ... a lot of activity on wayland test test back test test back Title: [ 2013] - The real story behind Wayland and X - YouTube by an X dev Daniel is a wayland dev collabora... he says he worked 10 years on X They convert foss devs to be open source consultants I know him from Maemo days woah nice, you are an elite haker ;) Dude literally worked on the iphone really, wth test test back for the AI logos discussion, i thought the Thiel video from a few years ago at least briefly touches on this topic (AI trends towards centralizing parties, and mentions crypto as decentralizing), there is the Nick Land approach to AI as well (go, go, go) AI is also something of an opposite to crypto Where crypto is governed by maths and is deterministic, AI is nondeterministic a few tools mentioned: - run LLMs locally - pay for AI access with btc or xmr test test back ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff new windows will use AI so people can just write things to be done on the computer it's like the comback of the CLI but with a huge serverfarm processing your requests to figure out what you wan I'd use that if it could work without surveillance . NO YOU MUST > READ THE FUCKING 1000 PAGE MANUAL !!!! haha Title: - YouTube damn Title: Playstation 1 nostalgia ambient atmospheric jungle drum and bass mix - YouTube SIN: I'd like to dm you. this is my pubkey --> 5J7EBWjYGkp9FnjSxQBz4Ydw7LWDBsLLAF5wDaUJ9ivn could you share yours please? cool! twitter spaces on the desktop with waydroid related Title: GatGPT beautiful test test back test test back hey theree The learn section in the documentation doesn't seem to be redirecting to the correct links, thought I'd let you guys know about it Yo? airpods69:, maybe you mean those I'll check it out, also apologies if that "Yo?" sounded me being impatient. I was just confirming if the messages are going out or not cause there were some outbound connection failure to onion users Also this is the link I was talking about: Title: Page not found - The DarkFi Book it can be found here Title: Contribute - The DarkFi Book no worries, I didn't understand it that way and no, doesn't seem to look the same yepp yepp not the same SIN: trying to get in touch. if you responded earlier I missed it and havent seen it I'm sry. Please share your pubkey, I need to dm you. hey reka contact_pubkey = "37m4LDGUEaRN4pPf5Mpxp7dphEbRy3Z5EzVbn7u8txWP" my pubkey how many peers are connected right now devs ? hmm i'm not sure we don't collect stats how is the url related to stats? or did I miss out on any message? question to hanje-san ^ this question paranoid> how many peers are connected right now devs ? ohhh fair, thanks! my bad btw there's logs here fyi Title: Index of /log/ Ohh this makes it so lot easier! (sorry, new to darkfi and still trying to figure out things here and there) np ;) test test back i want those cool darkfi wallpapers test test back aliceinchains I want those too! pangaea: Title: Parasite Eve Opening [Remastered 4K 30FPS] - YouTube ah yeah we should upload them to the website draoi: ^ maybe you can link them noted hi airpods69 where you from aliceinchains, I found darkfi from lainchan so I guess I can say I am from there? XD I don't like to associate to the country I am from for the bad reputation these guys have made for themseleves in the tech world i am from netherlands i dont think they have made any bad reputations ohh thats a nice country to be in, would love to visit someday there airpods69 what distro you using im using kiss void linux here glibc i haven't heard of kiss before, will check it out glibc here too, wine with musl would have been a problem what de wm you use i3 i3-gaps, just works out of the box what do you need wine for ? gaming? though I am thinking of switching to sway cause some people are like "try it you will love it" wine for gaming, yess you play cs go? ;) want to play some sauerbraten hahaha cs2 doesn't run on linux afaik, pretty shit I spend most of my time with games like euro truck simulator and just started off with red dead demeption 2 today Sauerbraten? whats that? i dont play steam anymore i used to play csgo and was pretty good at it damn that is great. I am really bad at shooter games a monkey has a 70% chance of winning against me 30% if the monkey gets a bad PC to use XD do you know what will happen if i type large amount of characters here 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666+:--------:+66666666666666 6666666666:-+66666666666666+--6666666666 6666666:` /666666666666666666+ `-6666666 66666--66``--66666666666666:..`66:.66666 666+`66666 66+./66666666/.+66 66666`/666 66:.666666:.6666/.+66+./6666--666666--66 6+`66666666`+66666- .666666 66666666.:6 6 6666666666 666:.6666--666 6666666666 6 .:66666666+./`666666666666 /.+66666666/` .:666666.:6666 6666666666`6666:.666666/` 6 -` :++++++++: /++++++/ :++++++++: : 6 6+ 666666666666+ 666666 /666666666666`/6 66/.666666666666.-6666/.666666666666.:66 6666`666666666666 6666 666666666666`+666 66666--6666666666+`66`/6666666666--66666 6666666:.666666666.:/`666666666.:6666666 6666666666:./666666 666666/.:6666666666 66666666666666+/---``---:+66666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666 sloww Ohhh lol I would have been concerned if it led to a buffer overflow would have been real concerned about that one lol what an edgy and ironic img, now try saying something true and beautiful lol I had this really good ascii art of a cat but I lost it (tried looking for it but idk how to search for it) ohh also also I know that lainchan is an anon imageboard, I am really curious about who this person was Title: /λ/ - Programming Employment I love ascii art There was some dope ascii art during the torrent scene, some of these NFO files had amazing ascii art, also the keygens for software usually had ascii art, damn I miss those times alkaloid: did you trust those and ran on your computer if it was from a trusted source, I did yeah and it was never a problem in the early days :) but later used to run these on a vm RETVRN darkfi retro futurism i spammed characters in another channel and got slashed : test test back : draoi: can you see my test msg? : hey : yeah i can see you : thanks for updating : np, I see your messages now too, just not the reply back from testbot, I only see that in ircd : yeah i think the testbot is only deployed on ircd side : test test back : yeah : it seems pretty stable... lmk if you encounter any issues some nfo files still do have some good art alkaloid : awesome, will do reka, added your pubkey, you can dm me airpods69 you online ? alkaloid ? online test test back SIN: I cant see your pubkey here. pleasr share again contact_pubkey = "37m4LDGUEaRN4pPf5Mpxp7dphEbRy3Z5EzVbn7u8txWP" ty test\ test test back test test back lez go finally it works! I somehow had two darkfi folders in different directories and I was like whaaa why does this not work :) : next step: see if you can get darkirc working :D : bonus if you get it running over tor is the old ircd totally deprecated? : Title: tor-darkirc - The DarkFi Book hey anon, no not deprecated we're testing darkirc rn cool, it's adi here [9UQtqP4B5wYaDXB55KK5Q8vVSkK99dSQyPUfw6Hqd9U1] hey :) hi, setting up the configs again sure thing draoi. im waiting on narodnik and for some kind of communication establishes between me and them. test test back test test back hmm weird, ircd won't go through tor for some reason... alrighty test test back Fuck this shouldn't work airpods69 wdym "wont go through tor for some reason" sam bankman fried test test back Ohh finally I am back in yayy, so darkirc was returning an error "IO Error: Connection Refused" again and again couldn't figure out how to debug it :\ aliceinchains also by not going through tor, the connections were being made without the use of tor despite me specifying to use tor which was weird (maybe I did something wrong, idk) did I disconnect again? getting some slow connection failed errors test test back huh weird nvm my bad it works lol (sorry for the spam) airpods69 how did you specify to use tor? did you use torsocks, torify? did you use proxychains? dont be ssorry for the spam, i am spamlord myself use torify test test back okay yeah it works nice I am back again aliceinchains Hmmm good question, I just had the tor daemon running and didn't do anything fancy like torsocks or torify I followed this page: Title: Tor Inbound Node - The DarkFi Book (also also just to give an idea of my level of understanding, I am a dumbass intern who knows a bit about linux system and such services, for whoever helps me out) test test back ayee ircd still works yay lol airpods69 for connecting with tor type (torify ./ircd) for that install torsocks and torify with xbps doing it, one second aliceinchains, any config changes that I should do? or let it be? you know what, I'll do it without changes and if it doesn't work I'll let you know, brb airpods69 you there? usually not needed test test back test test back so I am back to report that I miserably failed not needed to modify torrc pretty sure that torrc is stock cause I removed the changes how did you fail ahh it shows that I am not connected to any channels and connection failed errors ah it happens then you restart ircd again and see but first try this alrighty, brb doing that open a terminal and type (tortify curl see if it shows you are using tor it will show This browser is configured to use Tor test test back alright, I wasn't recieving text for some reason also apologies for again being not that good at this ;-; Output of the torify curl command: Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor. huh so it should work with ircd . . \`-"'"-'/ } 6 6 { ==. 6 ,== /^^^\ . / \ ) ( )-( )/ "" "" that does make sense, if torify works then ircd should have no problem with it but here we are... also nice cat just use (torify ircd) and if it does not connect Ctrl-C and restart again 1 sec not related to darkfi (torify nc dsdxchxnfaaqayj6lzzwosq3sxwkrw5l2kulh4eu4yg7iighoyjmpbyd.onion 666) type that ^^ and say hi to me also just for extra information, I didn't "make install" darkfi. just did a make and I run it with ./ircd (shouldn't really make a difference but I thought of letting you know) hmm you compiled ircd so fine well torify nc is working then (you did recieve the message, right?) test test back yeah yeah i did gonna try torify again brb will get disconnected just keep on retrying some time i see that darkirc has tor connecting built in but darkirc is still developing : s/ developing/ testing : get on here frens :) test test back alright I am back and it did not work same error as last time that I am not connected i dnt have much experience using torify with ircd, but we did need to make some modifications to have it working well over darkirc so i encourage you to try there you should follow the guide on the docs tho, it's a different method Yeah I read it yesterday when you told me to try it out (failed but then it was 3 am in the morning and I was up since 5 am XD) oh no get some sleep no noo I did sleep been a while since we had that exchange of messages i have no idea why its happening so , usually i get disconnected from default ircd seeds in the config when using with tor whether torify or pihole any, when it happens i restart and repeat and it works yea you can try darkirc they have built in tor connection i guess have fun I am damn sure that I probably am making some kind of mistake but can't find it test test back okay nice back again, soo I get this when I try to use darkirc "Failed syncing DAG (DAG sync failed), retrying in 10s..." test test back airpods69: you need to set some seeds huh i dont use darkirc but i think you need to put the seeds ++ try these ones: seeds = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] I had the default ones from: Title: tor-darkirc - The DarkFi Book putting the ones you just sent draoi ty brb test test back naah darkirc didn't work with the seeds. The logs are here: Title: 08:37:24 [INFO] Initializing DarkIRC node08:37:24 [INFO] Instantiating event D - tnx for logs checking u are getting tor errors could be a config issue want to share an anonymized version of ur config? can DM if you prefer also looks like you are using torsocks did you follow this guide? Title: Tor Inbound Node - The DarkFi Book I did follow through that guide and sure I'll drop the config here, its pretty stock and shouldn't have anything in it ty here's my /etc/tor/torrc Title: tor config - and here is the darkirc_conf.toml Title: darkirc toml - there's some small config issues i can see immediately, but shouldn't impact ur ability to connect external_addr = ["tor://onine-link.onion:25551"] >> obv this should be the onion specified in /var/tor/darkfi_ircd the inbound addrs are incorrect, for tor they must be on tcp, since your onion will redirect traffic to a port on localhost Ohh yeah, I changed that before sending the config, wasn't sure sure if it was meant to be private or not the correct inbound addr is: "tcp://", ++ yes better to keep your onion private do you mind pointing out where the inbound addr is mentioned? can't see it in darkirc_config.toml line 45, it's commented oh okay checking it to the one you mentioned also wait shouldn't it be since that is the one I have in my torrc as well? oh yes sorry good catch brb in 10 mins gonna eat my lunch (can't keep food waiting) so i think u need to address this error: ERROR torsocks[2468]: Connection refused to Tor SOCKS (in socks5_recv_connect_reply() at socks5.c:543) maybe there's some help here: Title: 16.04 - Torify and Torsocks not working - Ask Ubuntu Title: tails - Tor SOCKS5 Not Working With Anything Other Than Tor Browser - Tor Stack Exchange test test back alright im back I changed the config inbound addr to and still didn't work out but the error you mentioned didn't appear in logs checking out the resources you sent aliceinchains and I did establish though that torify is working fine, doing a curl to torproject with torify if you can resend the most recent log that would be helpful sure thing gimme a second test test back finally, back again Latest logs for darkirc draoi : Title: ➜ darkfi git:(v0.4.1) ✗ torify ./darkirc09:30:07 [INFO] Initializing DarkIRC - test test back pretty weird that this is happenning, tor should be working just fine though hey it's the same error as before ERROR torsocks[16706]: Connection refused to Tor SOCKS (in socks5_recv_connect_reply() at socks5.c:543) yeahh it came up again when I logged it (like the second time, didn't report when I said it didn't) Are you even running your Tor daemon? yep, I checked it 3 times and just did it again (would have been pretty funny though if it was down) wtf Title: Biden orders every US agency to appoint a chief AI officer | Ars Technica goddamit i fucking hate soycuck MIT 'opensource' people so much Title: Software vendors dump open source, go for the cash grab | Computerworld ends the article: "For once, Stallman and I agree." corporate FOSS Redis did the worst thing possible to lose trust in my opinion... like come on people loved you and you do that for a couple of bucks? should've used the GPL "make them dependent on us and then milk them", I doubt they'd want to use GPL if they want to do this xd Redis is not even good anymore Never made anything so big or intense that I need redis. A simple database does the job well honestly I could get away with a hashmap for most of the stuff I build even if it is for some corporate sometimes i wonder if these complex dbs would actually perform better with fast on disk hashtables and no cache, just direct to/from disk sled is really good what exactly is the difference between ircd and darkirc btw? also gonna check out sled and maybe have it into the internship project, what exactly is an embedded database? like embedded into the project or the embedded systems? embedded in your program, in contract to standalone dbs like sql and similar s,contract,contrast, In essence there is no client-server, you just use it directly ohh so very close to a hashtable and what hanje-san said It's a binary tree map but yeah (B-Tree) Title: B-tree - Wikipedia my bad... didn't dive into the readme to know about it There's a good talk about it from the author himself Title: FOSDEM 2020 - sled and rio oh nice i will watch it : echo echo back test test back nice, atleast ircd works with the vpn also I was going through the employement section of darkfi, is it really necessary to have arch installed? /s tesr test test back test test back : echo back test test back airpods69 you play ctf ? it also happens outside of software world imo where people take advantage of the creators "free" stuff money is the god of this world aichain, ctf -> Capture The Flag? nope, never got the chance t oplay that Title: Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections | Ars Technica update your os and see downgrade i want to find out what is really going on oh yeah I saw this, gonna wait for the update to come up. Cant update my internship server though, Idk why those guys love sticking to the oldest possible lts version ;-; what internship you doing i want to research this backdoor im curious Title: oss-security - backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to ssh server compromise fyi it should be a downgrade now yeo yepp s/yeo/yep I think that old lts server should be fine though, never gets any updates ohh also shoot I missed the internship message aichain so sorry about that its a cybersecurity internship but those guys asked me to do their software development stuff (just an internal chatbot for them) since that is what I wanted to do that is nice test test back ndeed it is nice aichain, though I am still out looking for other places to work at. I ranted out about the internship on lainchan and someone was like "cuckhold mentality, you should come work for darkfi" Exact words if you want those: Title: /λ/ - Programming Employment test test back lol nicee I am here from tor aichain! lez goooo `torify ./ircd` is what I used that person has a point though dont you think about trying to join big corpos? yes the darkfi docs has link to resources you need to learn before you can contribute if you want it will take some time to master indeed, they do have a point. I did reply to their post which is here: Title: /λ/ - Programming Employment and yea I have been going through the darkfi docs and also saw what all I need to learn Started off with reading this book on C programming so I was planning to finish it off first before jumping into rust and other requirements for darkfi to understand the code. Big corpos isn't my goal, like I mentioned in the reply you can do it yes! would definitely need alot of mentoring though Title: Everything I know about the XZ backdoor whats up with these chinese people's cover being blowing up recently some google guy (chinese) got caught for being a mole there and workign for 2 other chinese orgs then now jia tan too seems a bit sus? interesting test test back ah yes, works. Like I was saying aichain, I am sure there are moles all over the place in different big tech organizations which make big moves also idky I keep hopping between hexchat and weechat, both are good and irc didn't use that often previously test test back help test test back fair this works but darkirc still doesn't... weird hey airpods69, did you get my DM? Just did wtf github nuked the xz repo so you cannot see what happened retards dickheads some good info here tho: Title: Tux Machines — A backdoor in xz the link by aichain is good too ah cool just spotted lainchan #programming has some good info too rekt vid is back up Title: Lunarpunk and the Dark Side of the Cycle - YouTube > Released days before the Tornado Cash case... You are prophets :D what's darkirc? new chat? yup nice, i'm still on the old one. need to switch? not yet unless u want to help test still debugging >systemd lmao brawndo, what's the context for that? The xz backdoor ahh haven't read the blog post yet. Guess my runit system was safe either ways :p :) void linux ftw test test back ikr anon, void is fun to use even though it doesn't have as many packages as arch test test back : test test back : test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back oh so it's actually just systemd distro's that were impacted by the exploit yay yep, seems like latest version of fedora and debian sid were the ones arch doesn't patch the systemd notification stuff so it was fine but still sent out the downgrade yeah void linux too i saw the downgrade in the install list and kinda panicked lol yeahh but void isnt a systemd distro anyways, unless you changed it from runit nah all good yepp then we were fine as well but funny how just a 500ms delay ruined 2 years worth of work to backdoor draoi, seems like it still doesnt work and gives "Sync: Could not find any DAG tips" error I changed the irc_listen and commented out external_addr which had the onion link in it. darkirc config: Title: darkircconfig - Logs: Title: darkirclogs1 - cp the config to a new file like wip_tor_darkirc.toml then regenerate the default config by running ./darkirc then edit the seeds to these guys: seeds = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] and try again oh also change your irc_listen_addr make sure you're on darkirc latest master too okayy oh u will need mv rather than cp to actually delete the config so it regenerates on ./darkirc first run yepp yepp, I mv-ed it ty compiling on master right now nice New config: Title: newconfigdarkirc - logs: Title: darkirclogs2 - I get timed out to the seeds you asked me to add yeah idk my seeds aren't that reliable, server issues lemme check sure thing, I can ping so thats a plus I believe? try adding these seeds as well: "tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://" DagSyncFailed error again: well at least you were able to connect to those nodes issue is i think they're on old version so not returning reliable peers s/nodes/seeds let's try one other thing can you try again w just the first 2 seeds i have you? if that doesn't work i'm afraid we have to wait for more ppl to update s/have/gave sorry for the late reply draoi, thanks for clarifying about darkirc. i'd like to help test, but just in a busy time right now nw wow sure thing draoi: my seed is updated as well, did it yesterday while reading quietly the chat lol I'll go grab something to eat, brb real quick (also I am getting timed out errors again) ah so maybe try with the dasman seed and delete the ohsnap one logs: Title: ➜ darkfi-darkirc git:(master) ./darkirc 13:29: - : test test back : test back connected through my seed ^^ airpods69: lmk when you're ready to try again : test test back : test back : haha tnx everyone : maybe u saw the msg in #dev this AM- am working on some fixes, gna push asap : test test back : test back dasman ready to try again Dag sync keeps on failing even if I can connect to the seed Title: dasman only seed darkirc log - can you delete your hostlist? sure thing and try again also if you could run with -vv that's ideal tho i can see pretty clearly what's happening tbh OH MY LORD -vv was a big log I wasn't expecting XD hhaha here are the logs Title: darkirc -vv logs - also one thing I noticed was that it still tried to connect to or I could be wrong. (it is commented out in the config) that's cos the seed is sharing info on a xeno peer dasman: your seed is sharing multiple peers with the same port, could you verify that those peers are in your whitelist? you can do that by running dnet (it will display your running hostlist for lilith) sorry i mean same ip, different port oh okay (for the seed sharing info) also what exactly is happening? (I have no clue ;-;) can reply in a bit, just working on something rn okii draoi: I haven't updatedd my server in a long time I'm still on python 3.9 can't seem to run dnet, probably need python3.10 upwards but cat hostlist shows only grey tcp+tls:// ah so I forgot to remove a hostlist in my local machine which contained couple of those ips - diff ports hmm hmmm (makes absolutely no sense to me) <φ> test test back Title: Everything I know about the XZ backdoor here is a good timeline of the xz backdoor <φ>: test test back : test back <φ>: plant some tor seeds baby me with my non tor setup not working, "whaaa" XD <φ>: tcp+tls://] <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Disconnecting from seed #1 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Seeding hosts successful. <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #6 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #3 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #2 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 16:58:01 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #4 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: disconnect connect disconnect connect ... hmmm yup <φ>: only 2 seeds [tcp+tls://] <φ>: [tcp+tls://] <φ> it werks dude hacsenwerks <φ> dont forget to git pull <φ> there are many small commits lol <φ>: 17:10:43 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #2 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 17:10:43 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #6 [tcp+tls://] <φ>: 17:10:43 [INFO] [P2P] Connecting outbound slot #7 [tcp+tls://] Are you talking to me or to someone on the other side and I can't see their text? ;-; stop spamming logs especially ones containing IPs <φ>: obunto what is happening here ;-; overexistment is happening here *insert confused.png s,overexistment,overexitment whats the confusing part? φ does a test and then test again from darkirc and then says "plant some tor seeds baby" and then starts spaming logs which make no sense then goes don't forget to git pull and then spams logs again and then you come in to stop them and then he says obunto...??? <φ>: cracks me up <φ>: poorly written i need to pr <φ>: confusing <φ>: :P <φ> upgrayedd why <φ> i wont again i promise does it server anuy purpose to send these log lines? if the answer is no, stop. <φ> those are seeds arent they read the lines you send and answer yourself only a single one contains a seed everything else is peoples IPs <φ> lmao you think its funny? <φ> i came from twitter <φ> its not my fault ips of people were showing <φ> mine was showing too thats why i posted <φ> as i said │17:03:35 mirror-bot │ <φ>: only 2 seeds [tcp+tls://] │ <φ> i knew lol what garbage excuse is that? you are the one sharng these logs <φ> not excuse darling cut the bullshit, "darling" take the L <φ> the ips should not be shown in the first place <φ> not my fault <φ> okay ? what you are saying makes 0 sense yeah it is your fault, because you are sharing them <φ> im saying why log ips you could obfuscate the IPs and share the logs just fine <φ> really do you understand what alpha software is? <φ> what about attackers finding them the ips of people i mean log targets are whatever is more helpful <φ> lol attackers? these are your local logs i they can access them, your machine is in more danger <φ> lol you are the one shared them, you enabled them, hence why I told you to stop <φ> those ips are not mine dude yet you don't want to take the responsibility and find excuses they were logged on your machine, and you shared them here guess who is the culprit how hard it is to understand? <φ> upgrayedd: im just revealing whats already revealed but public lol <φ> so people are alert because of me and i posted cause i got bit pissed dude <φ> also darkirc maintainer is poor > i came from witter checks out I was typing out the same thing lmao <φ> eh now make fun of me for saying twitter lo sure thing, I always am on a lookout for opportunities to do that this is not a safe place, darling <φ> i know <φ> the fact that ips are being logged is something to talk about <φ> lol yeah lets talk about alpha software that is being actively tested logs something usefull to development <φ> test test back <φ> darkfid also logs ip lmao and there are not many peers <φ> bye test test back morning people morning airpods69 sup deki I'm about to get a coffee then spend the day learning about Rust! you? oh, thats cool if you don't know it, worth learning Title: The Rust Programming Language - The Rust Programming Language I woke up a bit too early and now I am thinking if I should sleep again or not. Gotta work throughout the day on internship then gonna learn some more C before I start with rust noice, C is definitely a good language to start anyhow I'll bbl, need to get this coffee lol I know some rust but I need to read the book properly. I chose C cause A) I can XD B) I had it in first year of university and I liked it but never worked on it cause I was always stuck with python sure thing yeah I recommend not falling into the python trap :p I started out with C, then got too comfortable with python test test back deki, yea the python trap is real. I have been trying to get out of it but most of the people I have worked with only know python thus forcing me to make the project in it and no other language Ohh I started off with python, then C for uni then C++ for uni (basics only nothing really good) then back to python again. Did some rust in between but couldn't give my 100% to it yeah my uni was very similar, we had C then C++ mainly, then Python kinda just followed from C Python's good to know, just don't want to rely on it same here, I'd say it is good for quick prototyping some projects are really cool with python but then those are C++ in the background like pytorch or tinygrad haha yeah, oh I've used pytorch it's really good for ML stuff; if you are into ML then tinygrad is like a fun toy to play with : some rust learning tips :; videos at or; and last but not least : ChatGPT via "how to write xyzw in rust" or "explain code" : Title: Code to the Moon - YouTube Title: Code to the Moon - YouTube Title: No Boilerplate - YouTube : Title: No Boilerplate - YouTube test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back howdy people : echo echo back : echo back also draoi if you got time, do you want to try again? or leave darkirc as it is for now? airpods69: hey, so default config with seed didn't work for you? we will discuss darkirc status in the dev meeting today dasman: did you delete the hostlist on your seed? I did yes Also shared the log with you in dm i didn't recv it there's been a big upgrade just now tho yeah seen, tysm but i'm still receiving garbage nodes from your seed but also the log contained a panic yeah that's fixed now I'll check the seed again ty thanks, if you could rebuild and delete hostlist before rerunning that would be ideal ++ and if you have it on debug mode and track the log, check if you are receiving hostile peers and which node they are coming from so we can tell them to update dasman nope the seed didn't work for me : dag synced finally : it was complaining about a missing parent tip airpods69: updating nodes, will try after meeting, if you got time <50483700256457450.0> test test back dasman, okii im free whenever Title: Degen communism: the only correct political ideology lol > April 1 the naming is a troll but i think he means it tho interesting, will take a look it's kinda semi trolling i remember he did a similar thing a few years back Title: Vitalik's Serious Joke: The Case for Ending Ethereum Inflation - CoinDesk : Test Test back : Test back <74005129149006289431428825241887> test test back okay everything is updated including seed airpods69: could you try now I just did, seems like DAG synced successfully now so thats a plus and I see no errors yay awesome! Send a test : test test back : test back : \o/ : Welcome Huh so I don't see your message on random in darkirc but I see those here through mirror-bot, is that normal? no do you have firewalls set up or smth Hmmm I cant remember any when I installed the distro, but I'll check also check on bin/dnet To see what's you're darkirc node is connected to checking okay for firewall, doesn't seem like I have iptables running so that shouldn't be there I have no clue what I am looking at in dnet... there are a couple of "sleeping" with tcp+tls:// and tcp+tls:// ok so you're connected to my peer i use that peer directly to send msgs , but idk why you don't see them if anything there is a constant disconnect and connection of outbound slots going on : I do see some messages after I reconnected, guess those are from the buffer? : test test back : test back : dasman, could you try dropping a text here? : Sure : Test1 : Test2 : Yay, I can see it : Awesome!! : I turned down the outbound connection to 2 (both to your seeds) and it started to work. Nicee : It should work regardless of outbound connection number (as long as it not zero) and as long as you're connected to a peer : But happy it worked for you : bbl test test back test test back test test back test test back oh now it works, weird I don't think a vpn connection should cause much trouble, right? or don't let me connect if I have a vpn connection for some reason Pop Punk(@PopPunkOnChain): Hey BlackRock... What the fuck are you doing??? lol Pop Punk(@PopPunkOnChain): The BlackRock token contract reverts if you try and issue tokens to a wallet that has a Bored Ape in it. I'M FUCKING CRYING WHAT THE HELL LMAO. A thread about if crypto is solarpunk or not... Title: Blocked i am absolutely stunned about such negative perception of that sub labels just contribute to division rather than unity Title: Chat app Telegram challenges Meta with the launch of new 'Business' features and revenue-sharing | TechCrunch alkaloid: what's surprising about it? those people in reddit are really stupid hanje-san: nothing really, regfi in full force.. lol : test test back : test back : test test back : test back test test back Title: Banning Open-Weight Models Would be a Disaster lmao biden wants to ban open models like llama, stabel diffusion and mixtral looool I don't think Biden makes any decisions He's just a wrinkled puppet biden is like the W40K god-emporor, he has psychics reading his mind and interpreting his will : echo echo back : echo back test test back hello test test back test test back welp darkirc stopped working for me again (atleast no messages are flying through from there to here) Except for the constant connect and disconnect, I dont see a problem here: Title: ➜ darkfi-darkirc git:(master) ./darkirc02:20:25 [INFO] Initializing DarkIRC n - test test back <46563> test test back test test back seems darkirc mirror bot is down <()> test test back test test back : test : test test back test back : test : test : test test back test back test back : hey airpods69 : i can see ur msgs : but i guess the mirror bot is down : test back : test back : test back : test back : Test : Test back Test back test test back archerships - e/acc, pronatalist, immortalist(@archerships): Some #Monero advances to look forward to: @MoneroKon @DarkFiSquad merged mining (TBA) @tari merged mining (TBA) @SeraiDEX launch (in testnet) @HavenoDEX launch (in testnet) Fullchain membership proofs (WIP) Rune(@RuneKek): Heard today that there’s a good chance all EU national financial regulators will interpret DeFi frontends to require a MiCA license. This would make DeFi frontends on normal internet domains, as we know them today, impossible. Only fully decentralized, local, downloaded frontends or full-KYC online frontends would be possible. Sad test test back alrighty, draoi I saw your message from the logs. I didnt realise the mirror-bot was down > We can only begin by turning back to history, to try to understand how this situation came about to begin with. But this, in turn, means that to a certain extent, we must be dealing in myth. I was reading the manifesto's volume 1: and came across those two sentences in the preface (page 9) I have no clue how I managed to read myth as meth and I was like damn the past was onto something Page 13 according to the pdf and page 10 according to the book (my bad it isn't page 9) test test back test test back local LLM: Title: GitHub - nilsherzig/LLocalSearch: This is a completely locally running meta search engine using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the final answer. No OpenAI or Google API keys are needed. i just get an error running it Whats the error hanje-san? test test back Model all-minilm:v2 does not exist and could not be pulled: Post "": dial tcp i/o timeout is that your internal ip? someone messed up the link to model, I guess? no idea what it is, it doesn't ping. not bothered enough to debug ah yeah someone at ollama messed up the link then just use a different model, should be fine test test back test test back gm greetings darkfi i want those darkfi wallpapers for my widescreen samsung monitor got this one if more please link hey anchain we're gna publish a load of them v soon actuallyt cant wait 66666666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666 6666666666 666666666 6666666 666666 666666 6666 666 666 666 6666 666666 666 66666 6666 666666666666666 6666666666666 66666666666 666666666 6666666 nick anchain test test back ;) we got darkfi wallpapers for a widescreen?! lez goo I'll use it too no sad :( whenever it is out I meant how are you doing well here, just trying to write a report what about you? your internship report? im outside yepp, for my mid semester evaluation. Gotta show it to my uni oh nice, out running errands or chilling? construction i build what semester you in? ohh thats cool. Last semester (8th) so gonna graduate in about 2 months (first week of June) good luck thanks :D apart from dealign with some office politics, everything has been going forward like a breeze : test test back : test back : nice : echo echo back : echo back : faster than Deno/Node.js JavaScript and TypeScript runtime : Title: Bun 1.1 | Bun Blog : yay : It's written in Zig, interesting : Title: Home ⚡ Zig Programming Language amazing website: you can do sleep monitoring and heart rate tracking with opensource software and privacy preserving, you dont need apple watch, ouraring or any of that crap and also it's medical grade quality i aggregated my own notes on sleep tracking you can do all this in python/simple bluetooth scripts recently came across this: Anyone know of a protocol for sharing ZKP/FHE encrypted information between a Rust L1 and Ethereum/an EVM L2? (Such that it stays encrypted) test test back hanje-san: thanks for sharing that info., nice to see open source options coming out test test back : thanks for HR monitoring links, I have done some experiments with polar : but probably lost somewhere deep in files / history ... : maybe I'll try to dig it up, and finally do some data parsing, have a ton : if anybody's interested : Title: Hack Your Brain with Polyphasic Sleep - YouTube : no need to go 2 hours sleep per day as Buckminster Fuller did ;) gm gm servt3 test test back gm W: depends a lot on the specifics. are they using the same EC curves? http://uicrmrl3i4r66c4fx4l5gv5hdb6jrzy72bitrk25w5dhv5o6sxmajxqd.onion/ that's pretty cool guess it uses atomic swaps? nice looks like its affiliated with alkaloid Craig Raw mentions shifting narratives within bitcoin, and also mentions privacy not even being discussed as a topic test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back : : Title: Release Pingora 0.1.1 · cloudflare/pingora · GitHub test test back test test back test test back test test back hanje-san here? test test back : test test back : : Title: Modder made an IRC client that runs entirely inside the motherboard's BIOS chip | Tom's Hardware Title: Modder made an IRC client that runs entirely inside the motherboard's BIOS chip | Tom's Hardware wtf his bio. tempting offer but i'd be worried living under a self proclaimed "Philosopher King" A Chinese shopping center went wild when 100 huskies broke free from a pet café and ran rampant throughout the mall: Title: 100 huskies cut loose in shopping mall after pet café mishap - Album on Imgur anyone heard of this? My friend just sent it to me: Title: Bevy Engine "data-driven game engine built in Rust" it looks good ChrysaLisp OS: Title: gui - YouTube test test back test test back test test back Merge mining tari and xmr Built a Proof-of-Concept Rust Random-X miner. I'm sharing the code because it was mostly stolen from all over the place ( py solo miner, tari code, etc). test test back Title: Relaxing Music From Playstation Games (PS ONE) - YouTube nostalgia overload : : Title: Russ Cook: The Hardest Geezer who ran the length of Africa Title: Russ Cook: The Hardest Geezer who ran the length of Africa : wow : lol i saw that, what a mentalist : I'd call him achiever ;) : quirky english energy : 352 days, 16 countries, raised in excess of GBP 700,000 for charity. that is something : ah yes 6 months salary for a mid-level manager in a "cancer charity" test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back ye test test back test test back test test back ok last time nice we have telegram bot mirroring inside the 'forum' testing linkz Title: How can I fill out a Python string with spaces? - Stack Overflow dammit test test back testing linkz Title: How can I fill out a Python string with spaces? - Stack Overflow final test ok depl'yed i think the tg bot crashed or maybe not, sorry my bad test test back <0xhiro> test test back test test back hanje-san: It is 1am saturday night, parent's aren't in home, buyed a coke to finish sh1, you're 32 u.u nice playlist hit hard yeah lol : no to need to whine about the world we live in, you can try to do something about it .... : so if nobody mentioned - I'd like to thank you (all) for your work! : oh yes, he did ! be ashamed @arm0408.509d9bf0 !! : bad boy ! block him ! @arm0408.509d9bf0 to the jail ! : I am sorry :( test test back : 3.5 minute stereo song to a file of 192 KiB (a guy behind ffmpeg and others) : : Title: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression Title: TSAC: Very Low Bitrate Audio Compression hehehe cool i like this guy Title: Blocked tips on how not to wake up from lucid dreams last night i realized i was lucid dreaming, yelled "FUCK YES!" and did a backflip then exited lol reddit says to instead stay calm output is a number of size 22M Title: A small C program to print the biggest prime number putchar mf interesting, what do with this knowledge? thats outdated have you seen wolfram's megabook? Title: 503 - Service Unavailable Error > 1000 page hardcover book is $4 subsidized obv test test back watch this starting at the 34:10 mark Title: NASA Deceivers, EclipseQuakes & Apocalypse Zombie Cicadas with STDs While Israhell Starts World War III no watching wtf odysee is such a cool site, love LBRY project i found it wild that in the snowden docs there was a project to transmit radio waves at people airpods69: i'm definitely awake and conscious when lucid dreaming i know those dreams you talk about where you realize it's a dream while still dreaming but not having conscious control I hope the dreams are nice to be stuck in like that sounds really close to sleep paralysis you're not stuck, i have the opposite problem of trying to stay in the dream ;) i keep getting ejected as soon as i realize i'm dreaming. the illusion breaks and it's like your mind melts imagine where you are now but everything, the walls, and your surroundings melt away and you're in bed where it's pitch black it's very heavy and my head kinda hurts when it happens ahh that is a draining shift in reality to* s/in/to (my bad ;-;) : Nice : The samples are impressive : The lowest-bitrate stereo is noticeably worse : But the higher one is pretty good hanje-san: Here? Title: GitHub - squidowl/halloy: IRC application written in Rust Title: Lennon McLean | My Website brawndo: i actually know this. it doesn't work with darkirc, and i was trying to debug the sourcecode, but the devs are kinda dumb ah The gif was attractive yeah it looks nice lol that hello world is complex Lemme see if I remember asm 4.2K lmao Computers suck lol hanje-san: Here's a patch that will connect halloy It doesn't properly format messages without spaces but I'm not gonna bother with that nice, they have an IRC channel on libera #halloy well done lol, i kneel nasm -f elf64 hello.asm ld -m elf_x86_64 -s -o hello hello.o ./hello Segmentation fault no idea why it works for i386 but not x86_64 64-bit syscalls are different hanje-san: fyi: ^^ ty. how do you know this? lol that's some deep knowledge ACTION mfw when i use computer but not know how it werk Lots of reverse engineering of Maemo stuff It was mostly 32 bit (which is easier than 64 bit) This for example is fully RE-d from binaries Title: osso-abook/lib at master · maemo-leste/osso-abook · GitHub ah nice really cool Title: liblocation/src at master · maemo-leste/liblocation · GitHub This too have you seen the microcontroller phones? Which ones? like esp32 ones such as lilygo I know esp32, but didn't know there were phones Like GSM you mean? $35 smart watch with wifi/bluetooth, $42 for Lora ah this is likely just bluetooth and stuff Yeah There's no open GSM stack unfortunately yeah did you see the new radio stuff which defines a radio bandwidth for user telephony? promising There's been many attempts Infrastructure is bad, and also pirate stations are illegal above certain signal strength But still fun to spam SMS messages to people walking near your house lmaop it was just a week ago, i cant find the news its annoying how expensive the linux phones are why arent linux phones cheap Not massively produced in Chinese sweatshops :D Old phones are cheap tho Here's one that runs Maemo for 6 bucks i cant find the news about the open telephony but i found this: btw i saw bruce perens is trying to do sth called post opensource. his lecture worth skipping through on youtube to see his critique solution is a contract where just big companies over 5m revenue pay Bruce Perens is a faggot lmao yeah i just sometimes check what old celebs are doing this guy is a huge faggot > technofeudalism > Over Zoom, I spoke to Varoufakis poser He sued my friends because they wouldn't give their GPL work for free worth seeing his critique of opensource tho since it's has some good material the DEI problem kek biab Is this working? no jk ty you can use test btw test test back test test back right or for more flavor: !hackersays “Prolonged contact with the computer turns mathematicians into clerks and vice versa.” — Alan J. Perlis 15[Quote #55dd0d] !hackersays “And don't tell me there isn't one bit of difference between null and space, because that's exactly how much difference there is.” — Larry Wall 15[Quote #5e7ff2] !hackersays “A fool with a tool is still a fool.” — Anonymous 15[Quote #999584] ouch i feel personally attacked lmao! test test back hanje-san: mind if I drop a dm? sure but if it can be posted here or in #math, then that's better oh yeah, #math would be better What is actually darkfi main use case? How to best use? I exchange other crypto to drk and then make it invisible to state? test test back : !hackersays : : Title: SiFive Unveils the HiFive Premier P550, the First Commercially Available Out-of-order RISC-V Development Board : : Title: Penpot: The Design Tool for Design & Code Collaboration : !askdbrx What does it take to build a great LLM? : To build a great large language model (LLM), several key components are necessary: .... : Wall time: 1d 9h 15s :D :D :D :D not very useful with 300 GB swap on CPU :D test test back linux usage stats rising <3 oh cool fairphone has noise cancelled earphones (big ones and 'fairbuds') ^ EU laws made small browsers marketshare jump up > Inside the seamless, sophisticated, stealthy L.A. theft that netted up to $30 million I know this guy is probably trolling, but it's not the first time I've seen Rust associated with leftwing/woke stuff, is this just some inside joke? lmao B1-66ER: ^ deki: i wouldn't even call it an inside joke, they're quite open about it mfw when deki realizes he's joined a gay cult and there's no going back bahaha just saw this should have seen the signs but shouldn't be surprised, software generally attracts left/woke types. Hardware isn't like that (for now) deki cracks me up lerl : Eid Mubarak test test back anyone came across this/knows them: loopr: no never heard of them. Are they similar to cypherstack at all? fatback: no idea, and I also don't know cypherstack :) love the cypherstack visuals, simple but beautiful logos say they are a "technology stack", but I haven't had time to look much into it yet I'll definitely check them out. test test back test test back : ...the claim is ... delivers a 2.5x improvement in performance density and a 65% improvement in normalized performance over comparable Arm Cortex-A53 and other cores on the market. It???s also faster than the Cortex-A510 Armv9 core in SpecINT2k6. : : Title: Imagination launches the APXM-6200 RISC-V "Catapult" CPU for cost-sensitive consumer and industrial applications - CNX Software would it be possible to create two valid disk encryption keys for a linux machine? so that if forced to decrypt, one could decrypt a "non-critical" part? just curious loopr: this sounds like the rubber hose file system. Is that what you are referring to? fatback: YES! Plausable deniable encryption is the thing, we used it at swarm didn't know there's a whole file system for that thanks There are two links in the article that refer to the rubberhose part. They seem a little bit older but Cynthia Dwork (differential privacy expert) wrote a paper on it (I think that's link 2). It was also thought up by Julian Assange. If you search for rubbberhose filesystem, I saw a few githubs that might be useful for your needs. ++ : GitHub rated this vulnerability as critical severity with a maximum CVSS base score of 10/10 : : Title: Just a moment... read this last week, as well.. i wonder if they will. test test back test test back brb test test back test test back test test back telegram mirror bot went down. it's back up < djkd < djkd test test back test test back test test back test test back Test Test back check check 2 check failed xd check crumpet, try using test instead of check I was just trying to see if I was connected, cause my connection keeps dropping What would the benefit of test be? I know a bot responds, but I can see my messages go through in tg anyway ah fair, I don't use tg so the bot just makes me feel better that yep it works gotcha, but yeah I guess test would possible be better and certainly not worse test test back ^ that's why we use test : Dear @elonmusk, $1 million says your latest prediction ??? that AI will be smarter than any individual human by the end of 2025 ??? is wrong. didn't he say mars in 2025 before what happened to mars these guys just wanna stay relevant and keep chaning what they said cause most of the general public will forget about it after changing their names :P s/chaning/changing s/changing/chanting : : Title: Elon Musk says he expects AI will be smarter than some humans by next year | Fortune my python program which does if else is smarter than some humans if you wanna talk about that? /s XD lol mad how when craig wright claimed to be satoshi, everyone was talking about him nonstop that was wright's intention i guess he was as loud and annoying as possible, suing devs and making a huge drama 1. Type scihub.idk/ in browser address bar 2. Observe redirect to Scary scary? seems pretty cool >edits the wikipedia url to a phishing website yeah but check the url Check what? the redirected URL that appears in the address bar If I knew it I'd use the real one There's nothing to check most of the time i vaguely know the URL but can't remember if it's .tw or sth and for most sites i dont care about phishing (scihub or torrents) libgen gopher:// nice, i use the inbuilt qbittorrent search Nice that's good too The heretics who don't seed also use Stremio for /tv/ If you just wanna watch something without putting it on the hard drive long term i was using libgen-cli but it's flaky so i often have to use the web which sucks they should have a cli tool using p2p download It doesn't seem hard to scrape (libgen) You could use beautifulsoup easily, it's all php Yeah I know it, also think it's flaky curl '' | grep "href='book" Pretty trivial contact the first author for printed documents instead. Safest. (kinda slow though) not practical lol i sometimes search dozens of papers oh yeah then it isn't. Most of the time arxiv has what I need for my projects so I am good enough. ah this would be a better place to probably spam a little about the zk proof B1 suggested to do I know what I have to do just can't really pin point on how to do it even after reading the docs (this pseudocode feels kinda similar if I changed a thing or two here and there: ) if someone is around, can they help me out just a little bit (I am streaming so should be easier to point it out?)? you see it's making a tree with coin0, coin1, coin3 which are all random values? now add your value to the tree which is coin2 = hash(a, b) (for some a and b) see if you can delete things from that code to just have the set inclusion proof part (prove coin2 is in the merkle tree) okayyy on it test test back ayo bruh B1-66ER there? I was trying to do what you suggested but seems like Nullifier is being a nuisance and it can't be imported from darkfi_money_contract? you don't need nullifier oh okii : : AI-generated sad girl with piano performs the text of the MIT License :D :D So I just realised, I could have just used example/ instead of copying the psuedocode from darkfi book I guess (the coin example code i mean) are the recordings of the seminars at available somewhere? actually this should go to #dev, sorry hjdhjdhjd huh? just testing the telegram mirror before it was stripping html tags out, but just realized that replacing < with < and same for > is simpler oh yeah i forgot the zk-inclusion-mirror lol, but yeah sth like that ohhh fairr test test back test test back Test Test back : If it was GPL she'd be happy I accidentally read it as she and got very concerned for a second test test back test test back test test back I should really get a vps for irc or a raspberry atleast : : Title: Cloud Free Tier | Oracle ah thanks, kinda getting stuck with the credit card part, not into the legal territory yet to get the card hanje-san: there? Tggg Test Test back I was reading the darkfi book and looking at the FIXME and TODO from git grep. Hmmm still a long way to go before I understand how I can actually jump into this code. test test back test test back weird bridge got stuck, restarted it came across this, is it true? Bitcoin and Ripple came from the same IP address? Then someone said it's a NSA data centre actually seems to be a GoDaddy data centre, someone commented that they worked there blows my mind that amir and vitalik met at calafou before eth even started : test test back : Yayy I am in : so seems like ircd is down? or atleast thats what it looks like, can't connect. : test test back : I was testing proper utf-8, works now in weechat+darkirc in rocky9 docker. actually mirror-bot missed 3 lines : oooo gimme a second, I'll try again then : but wait, I can't connect cause the lilith nodes are not reachable... test test back test test back Yayy I am in test test back test test back yo! <- new drop of darkfi media use these to make memez artworks under viral public loicense :eyes biutiful also wallpapers for laptops/desktops and phones / / nicee Listening to a Crypto Valley talk in Zug. Wow, such simple thoughts conveyed with such complex sentences. Polar opposite of genious who conveys complex thoughts in simple terms did you say memes!?? say no more simple thoughts conveyed as complex sentences are just to sound smart B1-66ER guys, we need to be future looking and offer higher resolution than full HD. I know it's not a priority but ... c'mon wdym? is the res too low? Of the wallpapers 1920 oh yeah should be 3840, right? I'd push it through a super resolution GAN? 4x the size xd pangea: ^ some images were done bigger, some at 1920*1080 also these aren't wallpapers just images airpods69: As my wife just said, that's what we do in corporate world when we can't say "we don't know". So they use phrases like 'collaboration', 'bridging the gap', 'ensuring alligment' you're welcome to pass through some AI size enhancer pass them* They are cool images and walls though. Lots of detail and messaging. Just like Illuminati and free masons :p Looking forward to some minimalistic ones, for arch and void users haha pangea: nope, want the real shit pangea: yeah I had a notebook for SR gan, training it and pushing it through. wouldn't be the best though thought the same, i'll keep updating with more images including more minimalist stuff Okay, love ya man <3 drigy: ah yes those are some phrases I need to learn. I always end up being very straight forward that "yeah idk sorry" to my manager XD though I got the intern card for now so I usually don't get scolded or something still scared of steamboat mickey mouse showing up to my house though someday test test back hello world hoi airpods69: Or just move to South-east Europe. Straightforward and passionate - dangerous combo though Hahaha would love to. Gotta wait for a while though before I can stack up some funds to leave South East Europe would be near poland side right? More like Greece :D You're thinking Eastern Europe where ppl are direct and less hot blooded. I always liked their saying: "Life is hard but at least it's short" Ohh I like Greece And that saying surely is something which keeps me going forward test test back I was having trouble to connect, fortunately someone shared a live seed, ty : somebody was looking for a nice linux, declarative package management looks tempting : : NixOS: Everything Everywhere All At Once : hmmm, @arm0415.dc2dbec0 broke mirror-bot : yeah .. bad bad boy : what can we do ... : wait for the master to fix us ? : let's wait and see : test : test : yo test back : oh wait ohh oki the bot is down yes : but still getting a "No connected channels found" on ircd weird test back : if someone is out there, I'd like to know, am I still here? : test : sad : I see you here test back : Title: NixOS: Everything Everywhere All At Once - YouTube : ACTION enters the chat Gm : : Title: Linus Torvalds reiterates his tabs-versus-spaces stance with a kernel trap | Ars Technica hey deki, how was your journey? (thought I'd shift the random convo to here) hey airpods69, I haven't left yet >.> leaving in the next few days for Swedenland who's mickey mouse btw? Ohh fair my bad, I thought you were leaving yesterday Mickey mouse is Disney I have him on a shirt actually haha Hahaha I got some merch from them, wait lemme look for the picture test test back deki: Don't mind the linkedin link, I couldn't find the image on my phone and linkedin wasn't letting me download it. Merch: lol that's cute, can't go wrong with mickey mouse! ikr, I love the plushie though it stays in. Can't find a place to keep it on my desk. B1-66ER: also why not king on return key? its just a quick hackjob got it, rendering for the win huh that reminds me, gonna make something using vulkano-rs too test test back test test back @varoo1709 does it ping me on telegram? Oh wow it does, nicee brb (won't be connected) device to cool testicles looks nice for sleeping test test back back B1-66ER: I wouldn't risk an electric shock down there also seems like a fake demo its real but they went out of biz looks like some CBT tool my balls get so hot sleeping its unreal lmao we need stickers on IRC its very uncomfortable idk bout your clothings so not the best judge but fair cut 'em That's fashionable these days the jewels will be lost forever weird hm? the contraption discussed earlier ah yes well, it is a creation nonetheless test test back test test back test test back !hackersays “Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.” — Albert Einstein 15[Quote #0d7328] Damn, might be a genius for not writing buggy code by not writing code at all. Prevention at its finest geniuses prevent code test test back test test back test test back test test back foo bar (classic function naming) test test back test test back test test back test test back Interview with Telegram's founder I'm installing debian on my computer via bootable usb. When starting the installation I get "There is no disk with a gtp partition table. run gdisk to create one for uefi boot. There is no EFI partition, you will need to create one or install system without a bootloader" I don't understand what I need to do. If someone could consider supporting me learning this I'd be very grateful. anon fuck debian use devuan wha... devuan -> chinese debian? XD lol no im serious devuan is the way to go airpods69: blasphemy... upgrayedd, you won't be able to think of anything else now when you hear dev-yuan XD also anon, the problem you are facing has the solution written write there, what is the issue? airpods69: I'm not child. im anon2 upgrayedd: oh... my bad, apologies. anon: check if you have efi airpods69: I am not familiar with this. I'm sure for those knowledgable it must be obvious Oh anon, my bad, do you have any other linux distro installed? but devuan is the way. u can convert to devuan after debian also chinese makes no sense, more like mexican/spanish, like dev-juan upgrayedd: he hates chinese cause of propanganda in his country yuan is the chinese currency so sounds similar to me? yu-aan anon2: naah nothing like that, I'd rather live in china than india airpods69: it's a new installation anon anon: then I'd recommend using ubuntu or linux mint instead. (if you want debian only, then I am typing down the solution) anon2: yes fuck ubunut and mint go devuan real men test in production XD devuan okay sorry btw the "warning" is because your drive is either partitioned for windows or empty I just want to know how to make gpt partition table for uefi boot so you will need to create the gpt table, aka partition it to have a bootloader and os if you are using a gui installation(kalamares) it should have that in there anon: go to libera irc #devuan upgrayedd: I did that today XD alot of users were using my chatbot at work and I tested and made changes straight in prod lol also imma check out devuan too now xD glhf upgrayedd: its a gui, installation from .iso live the warning is in the gui anon: then it should/would/will have the corresponding setup iirc you first choose languages, timezones and shit after that it should be the disk partition haven't installed using a gui for a long time now, so my memory might be rusty in any way, don't let warnings dictate how you live your life, yolo it anon2: it is devuan. I was always devuan. upgrayedd: ty <3 Any coders here? How can I make ftmuxp command run in my zsh terminal? Title: Just a moment... public: Title: Untitled - Pastebin Service no1etal: what exactly do you mean? how to call/execute it? if thats the case, in the bottom of your script add "ftmuxp" and then make the script executable with "chmod a+x {script_name}.sh" and simply execute it with "./{script_name}.sh" upgrayedd, airpods69, anon2: should i create just one partition or multiple - what makes sense? anon: if you are going to distro hop, I would suggest create creating a separate partition for /home so you don't need to migrate your personal/dotfiles all the time realistacly you just need 2 partitions, bootloader/efi one, and one for the os you can also add a swap partition if you need it upgrayedd: is it bad to not have a separate partition for bootloader? it needs to be a separate partition, so yeah its "bad" XD XD you can also put it in a usb if you feel more adventurus haha you're funny I've been told yes the simplest config is like: 500MB-1GB for the boot/efi partition, rest disk for os when I create the partition do I need to allocate space for bootloader or there is automatic partition allocation for bootloader during installation? partitioning means separating the disk in specific addresses, so the "size" you define means you have "allocated" that specific sequence for that partition and this is a manual process? so in the config I showd, from 0MB to 1024MB it will the master/boot/efi partition, and from 1024.01 MB -> .. the other partition what do you mean "manual" when I create a new partition I can slect size and if it is the primary partition. It is currntly set on using all the disk space (its in gparted). is this the paces where I should reduce this primary partition with 1GB so it's reserved for the the bootloader and then create a second partition? yeah and set its filesystem as efi(or gpt) and the second partition a normal file system like ext4 btw I will ask, is this an empty drive or you try to dual boot? bootloader is efi and primary disk partition ext4, or is it the other way? :| asking since the drive will get wiped it's empty oh if its empty then you could use the automatic paritioning? upgrayedd: what do you say? I believe they wouldn't have to worry about paritioning that way well I assumed the gui installer would suggest/automate it indeed I don't know why they make it seem so hard bootloader is efi(the first partition), "primary" is ext4(the next one) ++ anon: quick q, why do you prefer to ask help for this process in a chat, since there are literally a billion guides and videos, official and whatever, doing the same exact steps you are trying to achieve? I researched and read guides, but sometimes just wanna talk to someone directly and I know that you are knowledgable. tho I understad if it's annoying and completely fine to direct me somewhere else I'm just trying to understand, since we are not inventing the weel here I pretty much parrot whatever you will find in those guides <3 just don't take this for granted, this is not a general linux support channel XD anon: most of the times yep, just copy pasting should yield the same result. Usually trying it out would give you the confidence too. As long as the command doesn't explicitly ask you to say "Do as I say" or something similar, you should be fine. (or if its a rm -rf just be cautious) I dont and I appreciate it a lot airpods69: ++ don't just copy paste, don't be a script kiddie... lol thank you very much, have a nice day/afternoon/evening :) upgrayyed, I want to make the script run when i type 'ftmuxp' in terminal upgrayedd, but it says command not found. I know I had it working before at some point and dunno why isn't it working now alias exists for the script?? no1etal: alias is one sec... Don't have it under alias. But I could swear that it worked without an alias. I did it according to a book and it was fine. I must have missed something or changed something I will make an alias do you still have the book? Yup, can send it over no, I was gonna say: since you made it according to the book, which is on your possesion, why not consult the book again? XD Heh, yeah, I am. That's what irritates me. I think I need to sleep it over. rub one out for post nut clarity I think it;s gonna be DJ Pillow for me oof In case interested: Title: Proton Drive Test Test back gm test test back so many anons airpods69 they are talking about systemd being bad test test back in anons we trust anon3: I am anon, send me your coinz.... upgrayedd: sleep helped! I did not source the script file in my zshrc =D typing from my server; drigy=no1etal test test back anon: yeah I figured, systemd bad, runit good 7-9th of June 20% off with promo code: 10YEAR Title: Monerotopia2024 - Monerotopia 2024 Nov 14th-17th, Mexico city SIN ty test test back test test back Title: toe - グッドバイ / Goodbye - YouTube Title: 1983: Meet the COMPUTER ADDICTS | Newsnight | Retro Tech | BBC Archive - YouTube lmao people are so nice and polite back then and everyone wearing suits and shirts for the TV lol that old lady running a sweet shop building her own PCB is so heartwarming such good footage lmao 2:10, that guys basic program has 30680 lines of code test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back fyi hitler's birthday is 420 wut is that why ppl blaze? yup i just found out thats why Title: 420 (cannabis culture) - Wikipedia it says it's incidental/ coincidence or at least seems to imply that also anniversary of columbine massacre test test back Title: Agile Otter Blog: Programming Is Mostly Thinking this is why you don't need AI or fancy IDE just an editor and compiler, write the fucking code join #memes kant: use /join Title: John Mearsheimer: “Things are going to get worse in Ukraine, Middle-East and South-East Asia.” - YouTube test test back test test back echo echo back test test back test test back test test back Hi everyone, just testing ircd out, seems cool welcome! I must admit that this is my first interaction with IRC in general, i'm probably too much of a zoomer or something Just compiled ircd, installed WeeChat for the first time and now I'm here haha Sweet Hi How many people do actually chat here? I might look into setting up ircd as a service and figuring out a way to enable notifications in weechat or something.. Lots Most of the activity is in #dev Googling will help with weechat configuration stuff yeah sounds nice so, this might be a newb question, but is there any sort of mechanism in place to stop spammers/network flooders? I ask this because it was very simple to join without any sort of registration (which is nice, of course -- but it got me wondering: can't this be attacked and abused?) In this version no Anyone can join and write freely Later we'll perhaps implement But realistically we only need to activate this if there is spam/attack just found out you can also rice macos xD would be cool if you can also debloat/de"apple" the OS, like you can degoogle your phone but guess that's not possible because some parts of macos are closed source? de"apple"ing the iOS would be a crazy endeavour considering how much coupled to the core that OS would be (if the source code was available lol) You can try capturing all non self-initiated network requests on a fresh install of macos, and then just all IPs this is not de"apple"ing of course, and stuff will probably break since the entire operating system is built around the icloud ecosystem, but perhaps it's a start its gonna break the os, yep a better start would be: don't buy/use their products xd yep that works even better johrz: though actually it shouldn't break the entire OS, just the stuff related to icloud ecosystem. based, but "muh M1" mac os works without internet too, right? I believe those network requests should be fine johrz: m1 argument is (really) old by todays standards... M3* you fell into my trap latest intel and amd demolish it, in the workloads that supposed to benefit "professionals" that would buy them :D I'm not big into mobile chips, nor own a laptop, but are there any *good* mobile cpu's out there currently? wait, you are suing macos on a dekstop? s,suing,using i'm not using anything Apple kek, I was just suggesting ways to potentially de"apple" it upgrayedd: funny you think I fell into your trap. Actually it is you who fell into my trap M3 ultra will demolish intel and AMD combined with its unified memory for GPU purposes. johrz: oh lol, well de-appling should be sell it XD airpods69: I had that exact conversation some time ago in the tg group What would be a good alternative for a lightweight laptop, a la macbook air, then? tldr: it doesn't really upgrayedd, I come from the LLM side of things so atleast in that space it does. Not that I am protecting it or something, I don't really like M chips xD were are your benchmarks? johrz: I got an acer aspire here, not as strong as the macbook air, but it is almost as light as the macbook air and way cheaper. Can run games too XD upgrayedd, gimme a few minutes. all of "my" benchmarks are the ones posted on reddit. Personally, only used it once and felt the same. yeah sure, sources then yeah, but what about the performance per watt? I'm not trying to push apple silicon propaganda, but we really don't have laptops that compete in terms of performance/battery life -- as far as I know amd is killing it right now it terms of efficiency battery life is still bound by the os Here is the latest one with Mixtral, honestly this is good enough: upgrayedd ^ again not protecting the M series it just happens to be good at GenAI related tasks (or maybe DL but yet to see that with my own eyes) I'm wondering if the new Snapdragon chip will become an interesting platform in the future for new Linux laptops But it will probably be a proprietary nightmare to get working properly O oops ignore that johrz: I think the ARM laptop from Microsoft is using snapdragon only. Even the one from samsung (I believe) I forgot the names, god damn it, wait nvm my bad microsoft surface pro 9 was what I was thinking bout but it has its own ARM chip Lenovo Thinkpad X13 uses a Qualcomm chipset But the performance sucked future is riscv The snapdragon elite x or something is supposed to rival against the M2/M3 airpods69: interesting thread, although(as you might saw), the only real benefit that chip has is thats on a laptop, so portability other than than, since its stationary, you can beat its performance easily with a well specced desktop s,since its stationary,since you need it stationary aka plugged in to get max performance, yep, thats what I am planning to do. Build a desktop and ssh into it instead of getting a mac xD so the discussion then goes like: why buy a so expensive protable device, when you can built a better desktop/server? > buy secondhand chromebook for <$50 > flash linux on it that will beat it in terms of performance and you will probably still have money for a decent laptop > ssh into your beefy computer at all times > profit ahaha johrz thats "almost" what I did. Got a rather cheaper laptop which can run games and get work done while I save for a PC instead of dropping everything into a better laptop. Once the PC is in the house, ssh into it from laptop from anywhere and profit. upgrayedd: also macbooks really only make sense when you are a soydev for apple applications/ webdev stuff or if you are constantly on the go. upgrayedd, the idea of a portable device is precisely that you wan't a stable and responsive environment, without being dependent on the internet/a network want* man pages + void linux :p ^^ that "stability" argument is not applied to powerusers if you need a "stable" environment and you accept proprietary shits, then you are not a poweruser my final redpill will be exclusively using the tty lmao don't torture yourself with that xD also speaking of stability, whats the most commonly used os servers, who supposed to be the most stable use? well at internship, they were using centos and for my dev server, I asked for a debian so maybe these two? upgrayedd, of course, but most mac consoomers literally don't care about proprietary software, they just need to do their work and move on also someone on twitter hosted BSD servers so I think "stable" can be anything now johrz: still, if you don't care about proprietary software, why not use redhat distro? its literally the most well guarded and stable os you can buy "oh I would have to use the scary terminal *cry cry* Because not everyone is a NEET nor a "poweruser". Think about the normies that argument is also fake in my eyes, since lets be real, you want mac for the vanity not the stability ^ ++++ johrz: what is a NEET? National Eligibility Cum entrance test? sounds fun That's for Indians to become a medical professional The NEET they are talking bout is different I believe alright, true in some sense. But if you're a soydev: would you rather carry a slick laptop with you with a unix-like operating system, that is fast(tm), stable and also good looking out of the box? Or instead.. a 20lbs librebooted thinkpad running a "stable" distro that dies after 4 hours of normal usage I never argued that lol, I just like bashing on stupidity and fakeness :D what is a neet? don't leave us hanging I'm not advocating for apple, I'm merely saying that I understand why many people in the tech industry prefer macbooks we don't sleep, we want answers 1:20 am here and I really want to know now Not in Education, Employment or Training (is this a bait?) basement dwellers i think they meant LEET aka L33T true lol leet yeah that I understand What's leet? (Sounds like leetcode) close, it is the opposite of n00b Oh like elite? yup Got it airpods69: thanks for letting us feel how old we are... airpods69 has not seen idiocracy Oops I was like 3 when idiocracy came out XD (don't reveal your age, bad opsec) (ah yes apologies) I do think there should be more people optimizing Linux for mobile platforms. What I don't understand is, why is this actually the case? Why does Windows consume less power on most laptops? more throttling? Is all userland software on linux the culprit? Android doesn't seem to suffer from these issues Should be and actually can, different things. Alot of the source code related to the device is locked behind the corpo wall and oftentimes not released Windows consumes less power? What? Source please dyi: pick a laptop, install windows on it, browse the web, and compare your energy consumption with the same behavior on linux Or look at the countless examples online of people noticing it and benchmarking it Huh... Never noticed it happen to me (I have a dual booted laptop, windows for games) Or if I had to guess, atleast for me on Intel, it's the efficiency core bullshit maybe Idk It's probably different per laptop/drivers of course, but this is a general trend on Linux systems You can optimize your battery life by forcefully throttling your CPU, reducing the amount of background processes and so forth, but Linux on laptops is just sub-optimal if you care about battery life/performance - hence the original conversation about mobile chips, M1, macos, etc. sudo tlp bat -> gets the job done and boosts when necessary. I don't think I need all my cores to read messages on weechat s/all/all off s/off/of God damn it I am sleepy. Gonna log off yeah, you can optimize your battery life, so it's indeed not a fair comparison (unoptimized linux distro vs. windows) good night gn Gm How to run the problem isn't the issue fren, the computational power to run is the real problem s/problem/model ++, not sure what the power of these local models would be comparatively, but getting these locally instead of sharing with a third party is better than nothing If you are fine with prompting a bit more than what you would do to GPT, then llama3 is goated from the reviews. I use mistral 7B at my internship project and it does well with the instructions upgrayedd: we are NEETs your momma brings you chicken tendies johnrz: check out libera, use /list to see all channels. they have ##rust, ... loads of topics there with 100s of users in each chan also lainchan #programming is quite gud I thought lainchan irc's #programming is dead not super active, but i had some pretty good flamewars with ppl there intelektuel de-batin lol fair I just had a friendly convo in #general over there. test test back nice test test back > The first milestone toward Aztec’s endgame: A no-compromises privacy-first Layer 2 on Ethereum. > no-compromises tough talk for a regfi L2 aztec manifesto "compliant privacy" alkaloid: which crypto projs did marketing well do you think? is curve a good one? "We are at a unique point in history and stand at the threshold of two worlds." yeah i saw that lol ACTION *whispers* RegFi will be unusable and bolted down. It will be toothless. The other side will be the underground DarkFi. It will have bite. philosoraptor: Polygon and Avalanche spent a ton on marketing last cycle, they did well but not sure it was worth the money i heard namada will launch in ~2 months, but in its current form won't do much as there's no eth bridge- potentially kinda like a mixer for ppl on cosmos to IBC into the shielded pool and back out again anoma is maybe 1 year out penumbra is also apparently around 2 months out alkaloid: oh gosh avax marketing is so bad and cringey, would you say they did well ROI wise? philosoraptor: Cardano and HEX did well because of their cult leaders, not sure if they paid for marketing best marketing has to be remilia genuine guerilla marketing i'm interested more in the tech marketing side altho remilia is useful draoi: ++ best marketing is if you have all the crypto twitter people behind your project remilia is instructive since they are also a fashion movement which darkfi is kinda tapping into they send free swag to egirl fan girls who take selfies in it that they use to advertise merch they also do these great high speed schizo montage vids that are like borderline violent which crypto projs have the best blogs? esp tech related ones (but not only) goldenmirror :D i was looking at starkware and others, it's all mostly spammy news sorry it's called goldenlight was mixing it with yarvin grey mirror never heard of it charlotte fang's blog oki pangea: brooo could they not get better models... :D i must admit avax website is pretty well organized memecoins pumping without any utility/tech/fundamentals showed how powerful meme's can be lots of legit projects coping hard because their tokens are not performing which legit projs did well through good memetics? dogwifhat :D remilia XD i mean which tech projs, you guys keep talking about memecoins ok memcoins good to know, but which tech projs operated memetics well well, maybe Solana, lots of memecoins launched there lately and activity picked up a lot on Solana compared to other chains it's just all garbage liquidity financebro fluff HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu ticker $BITCOIN it's so normie and bland some tech projects have good tech memes like celestia modular blockchains but no tech project has done memes notably well imo yup, the Solana thing was more organic same shit people use Solana because of the low tx fee's it's like all these projs outsource their blog to some random normie Ethereum maxis are coping hard rn because of the high activity on Solana, while activity on Ethereum based L2s is still lagging, although they have low fees as well there is no love or care put into media presence? they just do liquidity pump strat back in defi days there was some pretty cool meme<>tech synergy happening like ohm etc yeah curve is nice too (3, 3) was a great meme all the celestia blog articles are written by this one dude, and they are all so boring yeah it became trendy for a bit tho prolly just insider stuff ok it's clear we can't learn anything from existing popular L1/L2s I miss the DeFi days, new crypto entrants seem to lazy, they are just looking to buy the next coin that's gonna pump, not doing anything fancy onchain which is pretty sad they offer no insight or originality into community crafting either retail is not fully here yet or the new retail is just dumber lol it seems there is an ever shrinking pool of liquidity that is mercenary and everyone is fighting zerosum for that pool for darkfi to join that fray is a losing proposition, we have to create our own market however retail in general is exhausted and skeptical of crypto creating own market is good but also i think we can be attactive to existing crypto community everyone is jaded about how crypto has gone that's a very good point we have to be like linux or silk road, which rallied people to a cause ++ ppl in crypto are here cos a) they answered the cypherpunk call and b) number go up to different degrees etc, but it's pretty much always these two things imo but there's a big sense of malaise rn the underlying values have been worn away and ppl are realizing that number won't go up if there's no real vision to offer yeah that mindset can be dangerous and paralyzing we have an opportunity to present an alternative vision for crypto it's powerful bc it taps into why ppl are here in the first place i remember in zuzalu there was a couchsurfing guy spreading 'mindpoison' which was to the effect of nobody can ever do anything, nobody can change nothing, and people were listening to it like it's wisdom so part of our strategy involves combating that malaise you refer to that's a general problem of contemporary mindset, not unique to crypto but exists there too wrt malaise i meant rn the market is off- no new narratives have been formed- ppl are leaving crypto for other things the only narrative rn is pretty much the halvening but there's a sense among crypto insiders that no real value has been created there's also a segment of initially ideological people (arthur hayes) or self bullshitters (gav wood), that now stay for the liquidity and their actions don't follow their ideological line test test back that's true, and many of these pay lip service to the original values it's kinda like "ok the ship is sinking, i don't believe anymore, but lets take everything" i'm not sure how to deal with that is it true though? that no real value has been created? the challenge thrown to the existing monetary paradigm ought to be worth something yeah agreed just paraphrasing what ppl leaving crypto have been saying morale is low these days its true ^ an example the most popular cryptocurrency vid on youtube (262M views): test test back yo heyo was having issues with multipass but got in enjoyed reading the convo you guys were having re crypto disillusionment 52:25 "we saw clearcut usecases, we could ..." I think with any new system where the possibility of rapidly earning a lot of money is within arms reach, it's always going to be abused with grifters, scammers etc a lot of people won't see the value of the tech, and that's okay, it's up to the rest of us to bring about something that will incentivise proper use cases it's why the state was so hell bent on shutting down silk road if James thinks crypto is the worlds biggest scam, I wonder what he thinks of our current fiat central banking system can't imagine a bigger, more successful scam/psyop than that the usecase of crypto: a peer to peer electronic cash system idk why people keep saying crypto has nothing to show for just feels like people want to see it fail it can already used as a payment alternative in many shops online is it revolutionary? no, but it's something that's probably the best simplified way to put it "p2p electronic cash system" without any intermediary party that can thwart your transaction(s) test test back what phone do people use here? I wanna move away from iphone, samsung or pixel is the only alternative it seems because there isn't a decent linux phone i use lineageOS (on OnePlus) grapheneOS (on google pixel) and kaiOS (on banana phone) oh nice I had a redmi with I believe crdroid OS (I forgot now) and now a oneplus with the stock OS on it, planning to shift to LineageOS next weekend. nice stuff i want a linux phone that can rung signal and telegram. don't care about anything else but linux phones are so damn expensive yeah or they're under developed hardware is difficult if you don't have proper funding, plus the right people who know how to do it btw no sure if anyone is trying to send me a DM but I don't have my original public key on me because this is a new setup until I get back and add it to this one > How To Use FFMPEG On Linux I'm loving the ffmpeg twitter feed recently i'll check it out this yt chan is pretty rad her very first vid: deki: wasn't trying to reach you but you have me wanting to do it XD haha I don't remember if we ever exchanged public keys, but if I give you this new one I have now, you'll have to delete it and add my original one when I'm back brawndo: ever since the microsoft incident happened, I think ffmpeg's social media manager got a confidence boost XD deki: Yep you are right, we have never exchanged public keys and I dont mind deleting and switching yep :D test test back airpods69 hold on let me generate the public key forgot I had to do it deki: take your time, no hurry or anything :D test test back there's always a hurry :o I actually can't get ircd --gen-keypair to give me a pubkey, just spits out some usage stuff then 'server not started' what mean? me trying to make a PR to darkfi "quick quick quick quick" forgot how I did this originally pretty sure it was just that (not sure though, did it once and it worked for me) yeah I thought it outputs in the CLI, I have my private key in the .toml file in ~/.config/darkfi/ but I know we dont share that You can use that private key to regenerate your public key, maybe try that?? (not so sure) k lemme see ircd --recover_pubkey nope I Just get this: Usage: ircd [-a] [-b] [-c] [-h servername] [-q] [-i][-T [tunefile]] [-p (strict|on|off)] [-s] [-v] [-t] Server not started welp indeed deki: well we talk here then XD yah, das okay but I'm curious to figure out what the go is what if you keep ircd running and then do it? (not that it should matter) yeah that's what I've been doing, also tried it with ircd not running I mean could also be due to me using this Multipass vm thing, where I'm running Ubuntu from, but if it's similar to WSL, should work okay mind putting the whole log into a pastebin file? (if thats okay) probably could find something in it? as in the output I get after running ircd --gen-keypair? yep well I don't get much except for these 2 lines: Usage: ircd [-a] [-b] [-c] [-h servername] [-q] [-i][-T [tunefile]] [-p (strict|on|off)] [-s] [-v] [-t] Server not started I think it might be a permission thing with my VM Oh this usage deki: that's not darkfi ircd lol soz should have said so oh :< we renamed it to darkfi irc cos of this exact confusion but the old version is still called ircd this is embarrassing lol try running it using ./ircd np omg that worked...believe it or not I thought at one point "maybe I should try ./ircd" and idk why I didn't try that test test back i'm a bit retarded sometimes, I blame the cold I'm not used to Whaaa lmaooo I thought you had it in your path lol XD deki: us retards kek lol :> ok airpods69 here's my info, but remember when I get back to my PC, I'll get you to update this because that has my original pubkey: [contact."deki"] contact_pubkey = "3phyn64SPvU61GakheRtbhzPiLodc12x6FK9djFiXBLG" whats yours? deki: [contact."airpods69"] contact_pubkey = "CoHPDJS6NzjLJKHq2dp3SPi4gKuPppmFGhwHVdmGsdT1" ok added will msg test test back back I am did you get my msg nope, I just joined back and was going to say, if you dropped a message then I missed it I have to restart after adding someone to the config, right? (cause I did that) ah not sure actually, but I'll restart anyway ah yeah, would be a good idea (since I saw the startup logs and ircd was going through the toml config file to look for contact configs) this line from the log on startup: ircd::settings: Found configuration for contact deki test test back ok sent msg got itt :> phone's battery is low coz I'm using it as a hotspot so will be afk for a bit what you guys think about i2p monero implemented kovri anon: re i2p, so many people offering "privacy" it is as if none exists LOL an offer for privacy almost invariably seems to spell, "you can have your privacy, but not from us" lol ACTION smacks himself on the head test test back alkaloid: 20 seconds in and I just realised, if a software can be used for good then it can always be used for bad. also laura looks generated idky the allegations don't make sense at all, you can also use your operating system to do bad things or any software really yeah you can use a hammer to kill, whats the point here? eh the government probably is just scared that if crypto becomes mainstream then their banking system goes down airpods69 affirmative test test back 31 years ago test test back yoo johrz afk: getting something to eat b I'll be back tomorrow, heading to bed gn eh gn seems so rude, goodnight xD anon: i2p is decent, we should maybe use it instead of tor in darkfi tor is heavily infiltrated by glowies test test back uh oh test test back philosoraptor, how about the option to use EITHER tor OR i2p? well firstly someone has to write the code for i2p and take responsibility, secondly people need to run stable nodes on the networks. it's overhead hello hello fatback XD replied everywhere I believe Hahahah! I'll move everything to the math channel, lol exit ./quit :') test test back test test back brb: gotta hit up the internship office test test back damn I am blocked from viewing the link. from the url, I am guessing that gentoo is planning to shift to binary packages now? I thought the package manager for it could already do that It's not shifting, just offering a central repo for binary pkgs That's nice. I've been doing that for myself for quite a while. Compile things on my fastest machine, and then use that as a binpkg host for all my other Gentoo machines It's great if this can get people away from systemd :D ah thats nice actually, I'd have to setup an over-the-network compilation to use all of my machines, aint no way my single lad can do it Before the support for binpkgs was really good, I used distcc, which gave you a way to use multiple computers to compile the same thing in parallel But there you had to keep everything in sync wrt. versions With binpkgs you can have what they call a prefix test test back brb: again ok maybe gentoo is my next distro :D yeah i will switch to gantoo it's a really mature big linux distro with good fundamentals > headline posed as a question the answer is always no that's some kind of "rule" but tbh i've worked in media and it's not universally true ah ok, i just saw he's speculating on software dev without understand industrial engineering is done using formal verification and tools like that, not chatgpt the ai hype is ridiculous test test back back test test back test test back test (jesus I have some unstable internet here so apologies) test test back test test back did anyone try to setup ircd via qubesos with tor+nym? test test back back : : Title: Samourai Wallet Founders Arrested and Charged With Money Laundering : wow test test back test test back : Another point for not hosting infra hello hi fatback test test back test test back test test back test test back : test test back 2nd UPS connected, computers are safu lez go nice LEZ GOOOO! test test back goddamit will look later test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back back : echo echo back test test back brb: connecting to vpn somehow messes up ircd test test back test test back well it still works nice. test test back oh wow this still works, damn nice (the connection is something which I particularly won't call stable so yeah) test test back test test back test test back short test test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back : : RANT - I AM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH UBUNTU 24.04 now this error about error: failed to download `aead v0.5.1` v0.4.1 topia: these are not repo related errors, it looks like you have connectivity issues with rust crates ok test test back test test back hi \quit wrong slash hi though test test back test test back test test back test test back oh, hii deki :D hewwo wassup? still above the equator? yes :> still cold, it was snowing this morning lol wbu still working on #253 and burning cause of the heat noice one part of the message is nice and one isn't, which one do you think is it XD hehe gotta be the coding one that's nice indeed xd :3 afk: getting some coffee back with my drugs same lez go nice, a cup of coffee together xd a good fireplace is all what is needed now XD s/XD/XD \/s hahaha well not sure if that's a good idea for your lol *you oh yeah no I'd travel to a colder environment first ;-; indeed oh btw deki, do you use neovim or vscode? I use vscode >.> but I'm gonna shift to neovim/vim because someone on here said IDEs are bloat and I gotta agree oh fair, if you use neovim, then you could check out neovide. yes I know IDE bloat but it is pretty fun to use oh nice ty Here is the only reason why I use it: ngl that looks awesome ikr, even supports remote neovim connection too so thats a huge plus wow really oh it's just nvim headless mode, you don't need neovide for that i want true multiple people editing the same text support and you see it realtime philosoraptor: you need neovide /s (I just like the scroll and non-sense it has) also I think what you mentioned, zed can do it but its MacOS only this plugin does it but its fragile and unmaintained one major update and it will breakdown. But that said, giving it a shot would be fun. i just found this , might give it a try would be fun with a GAN. Coding together from different parts of the world lol GAN as in generative adversarial network? Global Area Network (or VPN I believe) oh i see Generative Adversarial Network -> we gonna generate some images together? hahaha idk probably lol only acronym I could think of, plus GANs are super interesting to learn about yeah! if you get the sense of that then check out about diffusion models. Blew my mind away when I read about the whole chain that goes on in it and how it involved concepts from thermodynamics. oh yeah definitely, I used to work in ML/AI, still wanna be involved in it but I'd rather contribute to a project huh, you worked in ml/ai but never contributed to a project? I meant as in I had it as a job, but I'd rather contribute to an open source project than do it as a job just the field I work in, I don't want to contribute to it anymore oh that makes more sense. I have it as my internship work. nice btw btw if you wanna contribute to it, maybe check out tinygrad? would be a nice place to start off with for open source stuff. "Not making models but making what is needed to make models" for AI i mean yeah I know of them, it's either them or nous research, but for now I'm just focusing on darkfi/rust oh yes Nous Research. The group of absolute gigachads in my opinion. indeed yep, Im just waiting for AMD to kinda improve their GPUs a bit for AI and then tinygrad for models on an AMD GPU cluster is my norm. test test back this is good test test back philosoraptor: thanks for the plugin link. I wanted this consider the problem that the plugin states is happening to me as we speak xD i need both foo_bar to be 1 word and 2 words in vim, so not sure how to configure this rn no more keybindings left XD lol f_ and F_ that should treat it as 2 words instead of w-ing your way through it i do this too much well does it serve the purpose? i have to do f_f_f_, and it doesn't work on FooBarXyz ah well then just do w twice with the plugin? maybe i can do f_.. instead test test back yeah but i use cw to rename a variable foo_bar, but now it doesn't work so i disabled the plugin for now XD f_.. how does that work (I tried and it took me straight to oblivion, aka last character of the line) . repeat the last keymotion i use it a lot for unindenting blocks since when i use < it deselects the block i once configured vim to keep it selected until pressing esc but that's annoying (since most of the time you do a single unindent) huh, f_ would be a motion right? not working for me for some reason but I. works and sends me to the start of the line? ah true it doesnt work for me either I just use a visual block for that case if I want to unindent a block something shift+v is quicker future vim users Visual block the indent tabs then delete the whole thing in one go lets say we unindent by 2 visual block: ctrl+v, jjjj4l4lx line block: shift+v, jjjj<. Ah I'm a disgrace and a disappointment when it comes to that... lmao don't say that XD Mouse -> click click for visual block -> drag the indent -> press d nooo haha i only use the mouse for web Haha but you'd be surprised how fast this is actually. Like effortlessly fast for atleast deleting stuff i use mouse for dwm sometimes also scroll in weechat I use it when I'm bored and start scrolling through the workspaces from the top bar. Cured my addiction of Instagram but then... Alas a new addiction took birth Forgot to add /s also the issue with f_ is that foo_bar will jump to foo[]_bar when i want foo_[]bar Ah fair yes f_a That should work Oh also, philosoraptor, did you get my dm? test test back yo deki welcome back ty "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" test test back test test back test test back had to reset my machine ditched ubuntu, now fully migrated to artilinux based test test back question, what happens if someone uses the same private key from two different devices? I wonder, time to find out. it will create a time paradox booom worth it, still trying to build using the docker image, seems like apt can't find openjdk package mentioned so checking out what the correct name is ofcourse, openjdk-21 exists, openjdk-17 exists but openjdk-19 does not XD brb: changing vpn connection so would get disconnected test test back back i am is there a desktop environment people are bias towards here? any favorites? SIN, I know a wm for that which is dwm. DE? not so sure but I am biased towards kde oh lord `Sync: Could not find any DAG tips` again ;-; `[WARN] [P2P] Seed #1 connection failed: IO error: uncategorized error` well this is a different error huh : test test back well it works so thats a plus : test test back is it fine if there is a "sleeping and trying again..." thing going on in darkirc? : test test back test test back : test test back : test test back : test test back : test test back : test test back : okay this works... weird : echo echo back : test test back : Okay yay it works. : test test back : testing hey there, can anyone hear me? : yo : airpods69: It works : yay, though it gives me DAG sync on my android, again... weird. I was thinking of testing out what happens on dm if two devices have the same private key. : The keys shouldn't matter, both clients would get the message : oh, fair, that does sounds like the behaviour I want. nice. loopr: I'm trying to dm you. : test test back test test back test test back afk: rebooting test test back back test test back test test back test test back Does anybody have iPhone connected to darkirc ? if yes - what is the simplest setup ? if no - is anybody working (or is interested) on the matter ? iphone ? Sacreligious : test : test : huh echo? : echo : weird test back : test test back : test : seems the bots are down? test back : Does anybody have iPhone connected to darkirc ? if yes - what is the simplest setup ? : if no - is anybody working (or is interested) on the matter ? : :D : arm0427.080417bb: not on iphone but i'm running darkirc on a linux machine and just ssh'ing into it I use relay and let weechat run on my laptop. Relay to connect to weechat. (Weechat Android is the Android app) test test back test test back Still connected Nice test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back Test Test back roger ver wtf test test back test test back test test back brb (offline, won't recieve any texts) : Test Test back test test back : `ssh` # US delivery only test test back test test back test test back test test back alrighty, I am back philosoraptor, there? : ah damn it, would have been nice if it was in Asia too : I mean, just to try it out test test back hey airpods69 : nothing can stop you to make one ;) : it just hangs for me : ok works now : looks amazing : arm0427.080417bb: well nothing is stopping me from walking into a store and buying coffee honestly either XD : it is for coffee right? : yep it is philosoraptor, did you get my dm? brb b test test back test test back : how do i access the shop? it wants an email addr : ah i put a fake one : oh you cannot do anything ok : test test back : test : test test back : welp, doesn't work again test back : test : test : test : one can, I believe, only order coffee from there which is also sold out xD : test test back : god damn wow, im sorry. Did not mean to spam. I wasn't connecting earlier and it decided to drop everything at once. test test back yo deki welcome back heyo hows it going not bad thanks, was having connection issues before but ok now, you? Pretty good over here as always :D oh btw, mind sharing your public key again? I gotta restart ircd so I can change it now sure just a sec sure thing [contact."deki"] contact_pubkey = "FgKsUj8ujHfhAvhdYH9jfEPMrMQ2nwKsqkP9Q8Jhhh6Q" what was yours? btw I'll get you to change this when I get back to my original pubkey oh wait, your public key changed again? yeah because I nuked my ircd when I couldn't connect, thought it was an issue on my end coz of the VM so the one I gave you recently isn't valid anymore ohh fair yeah one second, looking for mine what i meant by "I'll get you to change this when I get back to my original pubkey" is that I already have this all setup on my PC at home, so I'd rather stick with that one Yep got it [contact."airpods69"] contact_pubkey = "CoHPDJS6NzjLJKHq2dp3SPi4gKuPppmFGhwHVdmGsdT1" brb: rebooting ircd. test test back deki, lemme know once you add it test test back added you and sent msg just got it :D :> afk: won't recieve texts gotta say, nothing radicalises me more than stuff like this my heart always sinks when he posts something test test back back test test back test test back test test back test test back philosoraptor, lemme know whenever you are available. test test back test test back test test back vim word motion things add to your cfg phiosoraptor: sweet test test back back test test back test test back b test test back test test back Twitter space is today on dark forest memetics at 17:00 UTC/19:00 CEST test test back test test back TW space rescheduled to tomorrow (same time 17:00 UTC) Dark Forest Memetics test test back o/ ello brawndo, hows it going? test test back welcome back deki ty ty Setting up infra You can try to pull the latest repo commits and recompile darkirc Use the seed from the latest default config file tnx test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back b test test back : test test back updated tw spaces link thanks sadar test test back test test back : gm : My only problem with twittah spaces is that I literally can't access them : Nitter doesn't support them (and barely any instance still works after the public API nuke) what is newstons 2nd law of motion : gm : twitter the everything app, though I wish the space happened on maybe mumble too? : : Title: Rust-Written Redox OS Gets USB Keyboards & Mice Working - Phoronix what's Redox OS? Never heard of it unix like OS but made in rust lang ooh yeah though still in its primitive stages, lets see how it goes in the future Redox reminds me of ReactOS somehow good to see Rust taking o more applications yea : Do not trust robots ! A bleak-sounding future, where an A.I. soldier has determined the only way to end war is to end humanity. where did that come from arm0503 lol brb(won't recieve any messages) test test back b test test back : +1 cargo binstall --locked cargo-limit : test test back test test back test test back brb test test back ba s/a/ test test back : cute ;) : Title: Festo BionicBee - YouTube test test back test test back echo echo back test test back wut lol sounds like these devs are writing soyjsshit I have no clue how hazel's firefox session only took up 70MB... 12 tabs and 3G here wow ;-; oh wait thats the session file nvm test test back brb (won't recieve any texts for a while) test test back b test test back : : Title: Attention Required! | Cloudflare Test Test back test test back : test test back : test test back test test back !hackersays “It's 5.50 a.m.... Do you know where your stack pointer is?” — Anonymous 15[Quote #d4cc90] lol test test back message successfully retrived test completed, you may now discard any further communication echo echo back test test back test test back test test back test test back echo echo back brb(rebooting) test test back test test back : test test back : test test back brb, rebooting again. test test back b test test back test test back test test back : test test back : test : test test back : test : test test back test back : test test back : welp doesn't work ahhhh test back : ohh wow, my bad XD : took a while to start up... test test back : : Title: Microsoft Updates Cascadia Code: Its Open-Source Font For Developers - Phoronix test test back test test back : Interesting, although GoLang : Title: Secure Randomness in Go 1.22 - The Go Programming Language test test back test test back frieren: oh lord, this is great! Thanks for sharing. I needed this Opening csv in neovide was a headache and waiting for libre to open up was so time consuming idk why there's not a good spreadsheet tui i tried sc-im for a while but damn buggy as hell, and visidata is way too overkill want something that uses .md format same, or maybe something like what git diff does? like a vim kind of thing but able to move left and right if the csv is too long test test back echo echo back test test back draoi, there? hey i'm here now can I dm? here's my public key: CoHPDJS6NzjLJKHq2dp3SPi4gKuPppmFGhwHVdmGsdT1 oh hi there deki hey what's happening airpods69 the article is about how Signal has been used by the US government to aid these 'color revolutions' around the world, but their new chairman has a history of being anti free speech echo echo back test test back nothing much deki, just about to get some work done. and I hope signal was for free speech 7test test test back test test back echo echo back test test back anyone ever used this? test test back brb rebooting b test test back test test back brb rebooting b test test back test test back hello test test back test test back echo echo back test test back test test back echo echo back brb (rebooting) test test back b test test back test test back hello hey there fatback how's it going? pretty good, pretty good. what about you? pretty good as well. I was starting to learn rust and wanted a new ide and came across doom emacs so I've been tinkering with that lately. oh thats good, I use neovim and neovide. brb rebooting b what what's up airpods?* nothing much wbu? b fatback, you should checkout doom emacs nighteous: i have definitely been tinkering around with it. Given that im a big doom fan i was sold from the start hahaha fatback: <3 I use it sometimes but I am way too used to my neovim keybindings and don't want to take out time to reconfigure lol I hear ya. It's taken me about a week to get my side set up to something resembling the vscode im used to. thats good! sometimes rust lsp is slow for me which is annoying, but hey, vwy go back to line and then p does wonders there's a really responsive discord server for the project which is nice for troubleshooting, as much as i dislike discord. side question, is there a decent workaround for when a dnm onion 502 times out? seem to be getting that a lot lately. fatback: wdym wdym by that side question* sometimes when im on a dnm it will just return the 502 timeout error code and refreshing doesn't seem to solve it. The only other thing I could think of would be to try another onion address but was curious if there was another solution. using another onion address would mean having to do all the captcha and anti-phishing verification again, which is fine but I just was curious if there were another way. test test back test test back test test back : : Steal the high bits of a pointer to store an extra value test test back test test back test test back : : Title: Radicle: the sovereign forge : Radicle is an open source, peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git brb: gotta grab something from lunch (won't recieve texts) arm0509.39350f87: how are you on darkirc? i'm trying to join i'm using the lilith 1 seed node to try and connect (latest master) is that correct? i'm using these seeds rn: seeds = ["tcp+tls://", "tcp+tls://"] you can try with these tor seeds tho can't verify they're online/ up to date: seeds = ["tor://6pllu3rduxklujabdwln32ilvxthvddx75qg5ifq2xctqkz33afhczyd.onion:25551", "tor://cbfeuw6f4djcukyf3mizdna3oki6xd4amygprzdv4toa3gyzjiw6zfad.onion:25554"] doesnt work for me with those seeds from ur log trying using lilith1 ah : tst : tst : sup : arm0509.39350f87: so about radicle, i spoke with them irl and they aren't supporting tor so it's not anon : i told them anon p2p git should be their main focus but they said they're just focused on censorship resistance part : so sadly for darkfi, centralized codeberg is more appropriate : radicle is also not implemented well, they should have followed the git standard : : Title: How to Write a New Git Protocol - rovaughn : i guess we need a team of janny devs so we can pump out quality software : like a pipeline : :D : pumping pipelines always reminds me of the Apple-BSD meme : The money donation : "but crypto is a scam" the corporate foss dev says : ^^ : darkirc android build: : : Title: GitHub - Hirrolot/datatype99: Algebraic data types for C99 test test back : : Title: Object-oriented design patterns in the kernel, part 1 [] localmonero shutting down. what p2p platform is there test test back anon: why they shutting down? any news? i guess they got spooked woah ty Yeah I want to try out Serai ? Yeah its not live now isnt it Not yet test test back b : test test back : can someone drop in a message? I wonder if I am recieving texts, cause I don't on my phone : weird : test : test test back test back test test back : test test back : test msg : test test back idk why I keep getting timeout waiting for parents (first it was then now (different notes basically)) : test test back : okay so calm, can you text again? (I can see it via the mirror bot) : test : test test back : hmm doesn't work test back : god damn it : finally, the sync happened This is what I was seeing in logs : test test back : great, thanks telepathy, it works. : gm : gm brawndo afk for a while* test test back b test test back test test back test test back test test back test test back : : Title: Release Pingora 0.2.0 · cloudflare/pingora · GitHub test test back : : >makes this : >gets hired by canadian darpa : >source code never released : Why can't we have nice things? : idk why linux doesnt have deniable disk encryption still : It's hard : There's plausible deniability with : Title: Shufflecake : But IMO plausible deniability is not good enough : Schaub's Steg seemed most promising : Obviously after he announced it, it disappeared : He practically solved all the issues with hidden filesystems and even got error correction working : Now Canadian DARPA has it : : Title: Is Copilot good? - yshui --log-level=trace : oh nice didnt know about shufflecake, that should be standard on linux : Why lol : It's not even that good : ah i only read the schema they described and it sounds good, exactly what we need : It's bad because an adversary can see that you're using it : So it's no different than normal cryptsetup : that's not true : With deniable encryption there is no half-way : It's either deniable or it isn't : untrue, you could have 0 or N encrypted volumes, and there's no way to tell how many there are : deniable encryption is far superior to cryptsetup : Having that is the basis of getting beaten up with a wrench : Not having any traces of steganography provides much more safety and less basis for suspicion : deniable encryption >> cryptsetup single volume : I'll either beat you up until you reveal all N levels or just kill you : With perfectly deniable encryption I have less reason to beat you up because I don't even know if you're using it : you're wrong : Whereas with plausible encryption I know it : i was multiple situations held by police : plausible encryption protects you from legal liability without incriminating yourself : Depends on your threat model : they aren't allowed to prosecute you on a hunch, they need evidence : Mine is not even showing that I'm using encryption : cryptsetup is very easy to say the person is refusing to decrypt the volume : That's when you're encrypting an entire hard drive : You can also just encrypt a blob on your filesystem and hide it : even encrypted volumes they can find : Not volumes : Use steganography to hide it in a movie : (if it's a file, not just a hidden partition) : Or across multiple movies/media : that would also be nice, but anything is better than cryptsetup right now which is insufficient : FDE is sub-par for deniability : now when for example, journalists are arrested they are compelled by laws to decrypt the single volume : Always use steganography and make it file-based : Not entire volumes : so deniability would protect them from those laws : Yes : That's why I'm really interested in the PDF I linked above : It basically solves all the problems : For example a cool design is to have a blob encrypted with LUKS spread over multiple big files using steganography : the thing with file based crypto rather than entire system, is you end up just encrypting a few files but the entire system is doxxed : Then extract it, unlock, and use overlayfs to place over your existing OS : Well how much of your entire system is incriminating? : If anything at all : I just want to not leak my SSH keys and passwords : Or browsing history for privacy : I don't care someone sees what software I have installed : It's a lot more sus having the entire OS encrypted : OTOH it's easier for someone to install malware that way : I dunno how detectable currently available steg tools are : It's likely you can just run a script and find it : Wow, I thought using Veracrypt is fine, looks like I need to step up my game :D : Not that I have anything to hide, but encryption should be a basic right, this law that you need to give up your password fucking sucks : Yep : At the end people will always find new ways, will be a cat and mouse game. I' : Even signalling that you're using encryption is a red flag : I'm sure someone will leak that source code or come up with something better : Eventually yes : gm test test back : gm : : Title: Havana syndrome - Wikipedia : do you have havana syndrom brawndo? : *syndrome : No, just found about the thing today : s,found,& out, : yeah I heard about it a while ago, seems to be not realy : just US govt employees hallucinating : I was looking into Dominic Schaub and realised he's working on this: : Title: Pischa Technologies - Leading Sensor Provider for Defence and Security : is he the one involved in the stego tool you were talking about before? : Yep : : Title: Perfectly Deniable Steganographic Disk Encryption - YouTube : yeah it's weird to me when people 'switch' from security and foss tools to this other world : but it's kind of common : a lot of the time tech and hacker conferences are cops mixed with anti-authority people. makes for a weird scene : mhm : you mentioned detection of stego tools. I haven't looked into it directly but I think it might be kind of easy to detect stego in files : basically if you know 'shannon entropy' I think you could compare a typical movie or music file and put it side by side with one including stego : Yeah for sure : I think you could detect sections of the file that have more entropy and know they are encrypted. even if the strips are narrow : I guess maybe it's deniable but maybe it isn't? I wonder if they would have a typical pattern : Dominic's talk is really good : OK I'll watch it : lmk what you think when you do :) : ++ test test back : brb rebooting test test back b test test back test test back hello hey there fatback nighteous: how's it going? pretty good wbu? chillin I was thinking of putting some items up for sale on monero market but was curious if there were any other crypto markets that would be good to put these items on. It's a bunch of computer keyboards, mechanical keyboards, mice, mouse pads, etc. : test test back : test test back : [rust] GxHash is a blazingly fast and robust non-cryptographic hashing algorithm. : I have heard both sides of the argument for and against tor over vpn. What do others think here about running tor while you have a vpn running in the background? relevant to btc impls fatback: i think tor should not run over vpn : me catching up on the chat log: someone's talking about using a wrench to get encrypted info out of someone, and/or killing them (hypothetical), other person talks about how they've been held be police multiple times lol me: wondering what group of people I've gotten involved with lol i'm kidding, I know you guys and/or gals are as innocent as bambi yo deki xd heyo what's happening airpods69 wondering how to make 3 features in 3 hours lol wbu? ooh intense, also soz meant to say nighteous its good, figured :D I'm just sorting out some work stuff rn oh back from the vacation? yes indeed! I need to send you my public key to replace the one you have now, but will do that later when I'm by my PC ohh that works, you can just dm the new one to me whenever if you haven't changed the previous one will do tnx oh btw btw deki, did you checkout the ai girl... *cough cough* gpt-4o? haha yes, couldn't go past her/it/etc lol definitely reminds me of the movie Her (which i think was deliberate) reminds me of blade runner 2047 oh yeah definitely that too I dont have a subscription so can't try out the voice feature, I'm curious but also nervous about giving my voice data to OpenAI lol and yet it's still not an assistant, can it add an event in your calendar, remind you of something, do some accounting on the go (like add some spending you just did your monthly spendings), helps you with buying something? all these AI tools are completely useless on that front why would i want to have an AI sing some BS for me? they're just trying to muddy the waters to make us forget these LLMs are complete failures when it comes to navigating interfaces, clicking buttons etc. you'd need some kind of AI which connects to all your devices and has deep knowledge of your habits etc. for it to be useful well yeah you're right, a lot of applications right now are kinda novelty the real 'AI' use cases are more obvious with driverless cars, object detection and the likes although apparently the vision models cannot detect kangaroos because of their irregular movement lol i think the usecase for an assistant like Her (not necessarily with the romantic aspect) is compelling and obvious, but we're nowhere near that I agree, nowhere near it, plus training such a massively complex multi-modal system is going to be extremely costly, and will take a few iterations to get to something useful then you have the issue of running out of training data I'll bbl faustian: gemini should be able to do all of that, get your emails too (if on gmail). (I think monthly spending is not an option cause it doesn't track that anyways) yes, i hope in a few years we could get some privacy focused AI assistant I mean, you still would need an interconnect privacy focused suite of tools for the things you mentioned. Its not just the AI assistant also when it comes to spending, it would mean for example you have an app (or simply a spreadsheet file) where you do your accounting, and tell your AI "add this entry: XX" indeed it's the full suite ah, I believe I saw something like that recently. Gonna look for it Also it shouldn't be that difficult eh, I'll just make it, whisper + a smaller LLM should get us through a long way. also yes people went down the generalising route with AI, they shouldn't have. Thats where it failed. I feel like any tool should be specialized instead of generalized. "Do one thing, but do it right always" afk (won't recieve any messages) test test back b : I am curious if we still get something like "Its not AI, and its current state is stil laughable" from upgrayedd : : Live demo of GPT-4o coding assistant and desktop app : I wonder how bad it would be after the safety measures are added. hello yo fatback nighteous: how we doin? pretty good, pretty good. Though I am being very impatient to go out and buy a new rig. Gotta wait till the weekend cause a friend of mine is busy. Thought I'd tag along with them. a new computing rig? yep I got a laptop for now, thought its finally time for PC. been 3 years now since i was trying to GPU passthrough, finally would be able to do it on the PC. I feel ya. I've been eyeing a new system76 laptop for a bit and just have to avoid their website or I'll blow all my money hahaha what are you looking at? Looking at a ryzen 7 5600X, maybe 7700xt or RTX 3070 (depends which fits the budget on the spot), b550 motherboard, PSU gotta decide, 32 GB DDR4 3200 Mhz RAM hell yes yea, I am not futureproofing this instead would just convert it into a server rig later on if I ever switch lol That's whats up. Now you got me browsing for an updated laptop hahaha lol, get something which can run a VM with GPU passthrough no need for bare metal windows then i'll look into it for sure. hey stupid question, do you know where in the weechat documentation I can read the section that explains how to tag someone in a chat?I know it's "NICKNAME: MESSAGE" like I did above, but I cant seem to find it in the weechat docs. I mean you just have to type their nick fatback or is that an irc feature? oh shit. why am I so dumb? its all good, we both are in the same boat xD "Why am I so dumb?" lol Im totally new to irc and weechat so I'm trying to read up more on it. Been on an old school kick ever since I came back to emacs for my ide. afk (won't recieve any texts for a while) sounds good test test back test test back b test test back : test test back brb rebooting test test back b what up nm, wbu? fatback brb rebooting again ;-; hahah no worries test test back b yo fatback, yeah what are you up to :D just chillin doin some backing up and donating donating? bucks or hardware? bucks. signal, tor, whonix, etc. I meant donating what? Donating money to projects I use ohhh nice I've got some peripherals im trying to sell if you have an interest. keyboards, mech keyboards and parts, mice, mice pads.dont want to turn this into a place to advertise but if you got an interest let me know and we can chat over dm. naah its all good, thanks :) no worries! What are your thoughts about using tor over a vpn? ahh some say you shouldn't. I believe even tor's documentation says that you shouldn't and explained the whole thing which I haven't read till now. But in my opinion if the VPN is not connected to your name (like mullvad I believe) then it is all good to use it. that's kind of where i'm at as well. I think the whonix documentation warns against it as well did you attend that article club meetup for the philosophy darkfi channel, nighteous? well fatback, what do you say then if two documentations warn against a VPN lol also I wasn't available last time, but I am looking forward to be able to attend this time hahaha im getting the hang of this user tagging thing! do you have a link for the next article that's being read? Here you go excellent thanks! what time does that meeting start? Not so sure. still on here nighteous? test test back test test back yo fatback sup?? you know me, still chillin I was curious if anyone here uses nym not sure who uses it but someone probably does iirc gonna drop now and chill as well gn :D later! test test back test test back : afk : echo echo back test test back b : echo echo back test test back fuck lol !hackersays “Good architecture is necessary to give programs enough structure to be able to grow large without collapsing into a puddle of confusion.” — Douglas Crockford 15[Quote #dd17ec] test test back : test test back : test test back test test back hello <0515.b13e3b81>: on formal verification of Rust programs with our tool coq-of-rust <0515.b13e3b81>: hey there fatback : 0515.b13e3b81: do you like coq? (hehe had to be asked) : i know some guys on libera who told me agda is better echo echo back : echo echo back la*n reminded me of lainchan, time to check out the board lol test test back test test back test test back : test test back : I have no idea what any one is, but maybe GPT-4o can help ... : Explain COQ proof assistant is and how it can be compared to agda echo echo back test test back test test back test test back afk: wont recieve texts test test back : test test back test test back guess what I got in the mail today yes I know they're kinda limited, but for something to start off with it's quite good I think (flipper zero if you didn't open the link) Canada is talking about banning them, I think Brazil already has lol flipper zero is pretty fun you should get custom firmware. there are a lot of examples on github yeah I've been searching around, it's got quite the following HCF: any firmwares you like? I think I used marauder basically the one that unlocks additional frequency ranges and comes with custom apps that others have built oh noice, will check out that one thanks HCF test test back test test back test test back hello test test back b : test test back echo echo back : echo echo back test test back : test test back : test test back afk: won't recieve texts for a while test test back : Is 2024 The Year Of Zig ? test test back : test test back : test test back test test back brb: won't recieve an texts (rebooting) test test back test test back b test test back echo echo back echo echo back test test back : afk: won't recieve any texts : : HBO making a dune series : : hmm.. I think I saw the lady - first movie with Christian Bale, before he became famous : Polkadot: Creating the Web3 Future | Behind the Code Season 2 Episode 1 (documentary) : lol : : Equilibrium - 2002 : test test back test test back test test back : test test back : test test back : I thought amd would be nice to me but welp, installing rocm is a nightmare on void. people tried to maintain a template for it but turns out it is a nightmare to maintain oof. test test back : test : test test back test back : !list : !topic foo : !list : ah interesting, I need to fix this : Will do tonight : echo echo back : brb: rebooting : afk cya : cya : test$ test test back test test back test test back : test test back : b, yo : frieren, I mean it is already not alright to collect data like this and then ontop of that, without consent? damn : might as well just buy an old 1990s car and call it a day instead of this : : lmao i didn't know there's a webcam portal between new york and dublin : they shut it down : : lol : yeah people were flashing tits and 9/11 references xD i love tits test test back test test back : test test back test test back test test back test test back : test test back : test test back test test back 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible: : test test back : Test Test back To the LunarDAO community and the general privacy community, We're building a private way to interact with @DarkFiSquad nft r&d proposal w/ @firnprotocol on @arbitrum Please go ahead and deposit now, an amount sufficient to cover your future participation. Firn works best when your account is topped up in advance. 1⃣ This is open for ANYONE 2⃣ The longer you keep ETH in Firn, the stronger your anon-set becomes and limit timing attacks 3⃣ If you want to participate using this tool, you should deposit funds within the next few days 4⃣More info on the proposal can be found here Share this out for more :eyes: echo echo back echo echo back test test back afk echo echo back