şerê asîmetrîk cenaze - corpse teqez - absolute? sera - greenhouse pile - degree mezaxtin - spend? rê li ber mezaxtineke 91 milyarî vekiriye https://anfkurdi.com/cihan/cihan-evqas-germ-nebubu-108763 daîre - bureau payîn - to anticipate Tê payîn ku di civînê de zêdetir li ser têkoşîna bi avhewayê re bê kirin be it's anticipated that ... taloq kirin? berav - coast sebir - patience biryardarî - resolute (decisive) don't rush it's not fair that we are punishing her I have interests in Europe Sparta commited itself to radical perfection, and became an enemy of change itself. pişavtin, bipişêve wijdan - conscience ziryan - gales, winds mayînde - sustainable poşman bibe - to regret meşxul - mijul teglîf - invite ~kirin - to invite çile, sibat, aydar, nîşan, gûlan, pûşber, tîrmeh, tebax, îlon, citmeg, mijdar, befanbar adet - habit tefandin - extinguish (to switch off light)